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Feeling Good
Codeine & Hydrocodone
Citation:   JackBox. "Feeling Good: An Experience with Codeine & Hydrocodone (exp71569)". Sep 16, 2008.

210 mg rectal Codeine (extract)
  10 mg rectal Hydrocodone (extract)
I stumbled upon some painkillers in my parents medicine cabinet and decided to try them out. This was my first time with any controlled substance. I was, worried about the high acetaminophen content. I had heard about a cold water extraction that would remove the liver destroying chemical. To extract the good stuff I:

1. Crushed the pills, 7 codeine & 2 Hydrocodone, into a very fine powder using two spoons crushing them between the two spoon heads.

2. I put this powder into a glass bowl and added hot water.

3. I let this solution cool to room temperature, then put it in the freezer until it was very cold (not frozen!!).

I had read on the internet that rectal absorption is better than just drinking, so that's what I did. It really isn't that bad at all. I started feeling the effects at around 10-15mins. At about 60mins, I felt very warm and happy with the world. I felt heavy and had trouble with thought processes, such as giving directions. This feeling lasted for about 4 hours.

Overall it was a very mild experience, but I would gladly repeat it should I gain some more pills.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71569
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 16, 2008Views: 2,505
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Codeine (14), Hydrocodone (111) : Combinations (3), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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