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Things I Thought impossible
by Si
Citation:   Si. "Things I Thought impossible: An Experience with Ketamine (exp71590)". Sep 3, 2017.

Recently I've been experimenting with ketamine. And also been reading up on astral travel, soul, body, outer body experiences. After the first few times of taking ketamine I noticed I would sometimes get a pulling sensation, either sitting down or laying down. I used too try and stop it from happening because I was a little worried what would come of it. Soon this became a key too the most amazing things I have ever experienced in my life.

Having faith in my body was the first thing. I knew this pulling sensation was pulling me out of my body but was always worried of my body left on its own. Maybe the fear of not breathing..Soon I came to trust myself and with no fear of what would come I gave it a go.

I put on some visulisations on my pc turned all my lights out and layed in bed with some chilled out dreamy music. I done the line of k sat back and prepared myself for an amazing time. 5 - 10 minutes pass and the pulling sensation begins. I take in the music and focus on the visulisation the room slowly starts turning in a downwards spiral. The screen I was looking at was now far in the distance like a tunnel but alot bigger. I let the music take me where ever i want.Then before i now it i am the creator of music merging with object have too sort out the music like a jigsaw puzzle. It got a little confusing after a while. I had a feeling of as if my head was being squashed. It was very odd. After being in control of making the music I was dragged too the bottom corner of this matrix. I had a moment where I thought I would never get out of this,soon enough the music pulled my up and up and up until I was at the very top of the matrix I was in then slowly twisted me back down and in too my bed again where I joined my body.

I never thought things like this was possible. All I can think about is how amazing it is.

Since, on other trips. Ive even managed too fly through space. Float over towns city's and discover more and more what ketamine has too offer. For me it's not a party drug. its a spiritual drug. It can be extremely terrifieing. Or extremely amazing.

Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71590
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 3, 2017Views: 934
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Alone (16)

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