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Micrograms of Infinity
Citation:   Pyordelic Aidelon. "Micrograms of Infinity: An Experience with LSD (exp71722)". Feb 21, 2018.

Secrets written by the Blind
Make more sense when He learns to read.

The Tears of the Soul
Revealed by its Cry.

The Eternal Eye
Hidden in the Heart
Chained and buried
In the Temple of 'I'.

Rendered Blind, Deaf and Dumb
Fighting against the Unknown
Surrounded by Invisible Walls

The Man who Hid His Heart
Sitting in The Desert Of Egoism.

Haunted by Unquenchable Thirst.
The Blind Man Licks Stones. . .

Mercy From Above
In the Form of a Drop
Show the Man the Walls
That Keep him Enslaved.

There is no Door to Freedom
Only a Ladder and a Window with bars

The Man looks outside
And Touches Perfection.

The Temple Door Has Opened.

Yesterday's Poetry
Making Sense Today. . .

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71722
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 855
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LSD (2) : General (1), Poetry (43), Not Applicable (38)

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