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One Bad Year
Oxycodone & Subutex
Citation:   opiatbenzoluvr. "One Bad Year: An Experience with Oxycodone & Subutex (exp71748)". Nov 12, 2015.

80 mg insufflated Oxycodone (daily)
      Pharms - Buprenorphine  
Let me start of with a little background of myself. I'm 18-year-old female. Have experienced with just about any pain medication out there. Vicodin, percocet, oxycontin, methadone, somas, norcos, also cocaine (don't really like that too much) ecstasy, xanax. Also, I have been smoking marijuana daily for the past 3 years. My boyfriend has a script for it.

I would like to start off with Oxycontin. Since that is my favorite of all drugs, and what I seem to be addicted to.

I first starting insufflating oxycontin a little over a year ago. And I'm talking about the real Oxy's. Not percocet. Time release oxy 80's and 40's. I'm 5ft 92lbs. When I first started, a tiny 5 mg line would get me fucked up beyond belief. Mind you, this was when 80s were only $35 for me. This was the end of my junior year. I would get so fucked up, that most of the time I would throw up. It is the best drug I could ever do. It makes me almost comatose. I feel so euphoric. Feel like I can't move and all I do is sit there and zone out on things.

At this point I was doing this maybe one time a week with my boyfriend. This slowly slowly progressed into an addiction. I had always told myself I would never get addicted to ANYTHING, and I would never try heroin or meth. And I haven’t done the second two. Over time I started doing this a couple times a week. Then it progressed into doing more days then not. Now I find myself in this hell!

My boyfriend and I are both addicted to Oxycontin. 5 mg to get fucked up, turned into busting up a whole 80 mg in one line EVERY DAY. When I say every day I mean every day for almost a year. I wake up every day feeling sick. And it’s a terrible feeling. My worst withdrawal symptom is stomach problems. I constantly feel like I’m going to throw up, I have terrible gas, I get terrible hot cold flashes, the shakes, I feel like I can’t move, my whole body aches, my knees hurt, and I have a constant unpleasant warm feeling in my stomach.

To people that are wanting to try this drug: if you must, please do in moderation. I was one of those people that said this will NEVER happen to me. Slowly but surely it does and will happen. This drug is taking over the whole town I live in. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t do this drug. It changes people IMMENSELY. I have lost many friends to this drug. It's funny too because anyone would look at me and think I'm the sweetest little girl and would never be like that. I have a good job, I'm going to night school, and I'm in a good relationship for the past 2 and a half years (minus the fact we are both addicted to oxy). No one wants to live their lives like this. I go from paycheck to paycheck to get my oxys. We have to buy in bulk to get a good price. Usually its $260 for seven 80s. This is a good price considering street prices are $50 for one 80.

It’s pretty sad to say that I think I will always have a drug problem. I have tried getting off oxy before. And I did for five days, with the help of Subutex. This is a great drug. It's an opiate blocker so even if I did take oxy on subutex it would not work. This drug does not fuck me up, it only takes away withdrawal symptoms, but it also gives me such a clear head and makes me not want to do oxy. So I just bought 20 methadones. And hopefully it will help me get out of this hell!

Good luck to all.
I hope you don’t end up like me.

Exp Year: 2007-2008ExpID: 71748
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2015Views: 3,353
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265), Oxycodone (176) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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