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Metamorphic Shake
Citation:   mightbelife. "Metamorphic Shake: An Experience with Cannabis (exp71791)". Mar 29, 2019.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis
I am an experienced user. I have been smoking for a good four years now with realatively no problems. Weed is not a new substance to me and generally is a very euphoric and healing experience. This is actually the second time I have experienced such negative effects of Cannabis, but many factors went into this particular trip.

I was over at my friend Matt's for the first time. We decided we were just going to watch some television and hang out. It was a peaceful atmosphere with extremely good vibes. He has a few kittens and a very cute dog. I was in the perfect mindset for a nice sesh. He looks at me and asks if I would like to try out his new bong. I have a crush on the kid, so why not? I usually smoke out of a small bubbler or vaporizer...but I felt as though I could handle this piece.

Matt packs a small bowl. I looked at what he was packing and realized it was ALL shake. In my mind I was still assuming I could handle it. He passes me the bong and the lighter and I REALLY light this baby up..for a good four to five seconds. It's nice and milky and I'm so excited to take this hit.
It's nice and milky and I'm so excited to take this hit.
I unplug it and breathe it all in.....thats when the trip started almost instantly.

As soon as I am done breathing it in...I start coughing uncontrollably. I feel as though I am coughing up a lung. I can't stop no matter how hard I try. I ask Matt for some water and can't even swallow it. I open my eyes and everything around me is pixelated. A million bouncing squares in the dimly lit room. Everything around me is in slow motion. My senses are so heightened that the sound of the T.V made me want to tear my ears off.

I start getting very afraid. I grabbed onto matt and blabbed something that didn't make any sense. I decided in my mind that hiding would be the best idea. I curled up into a fetal position and lay on his lap. As soon as I closed my eyes I lost complete control.

I saw the oval shape of my eye in black. All of a sudden I could not control ANY thoughts I had or any movement. My mind went into a universe of color and sound I didn't know existed. I tried to look at my arm, but instead of my arm I saw these colors of yellows, greens and reds in little strands take the place of my arm. After that it switched over to me seeing the word 'SOMETHING' and the letters slowly leaving the word and turning into different shapes and bright colors. It felt as if I was speeding through a new and alternate universe. I tried to open my eyes, but my visions wouldn't allow me. I felt as if I had a new destiny and this was what the rest of my life was going to feel like. I WANTED to die.

Flash again. I decided to leave the fetal position. I'm still extremely confused about the state I am in. I look at matt and he is still pixelated. I am feeling extremely nauseous still, but regained my ability to control some of my bodily functions.

I saw the brightness of the T.V and felt as though that might snap me out of my horrible consciousness. Matt got up and followed me. I started walking in circles. I thought I was now a ghost of my former self now floating. I was convinced I had died. He had a big love seat in front of this huge TV so I figured I should be able to rest better on top of it. I lay down in my fetal position again and started stroking the love seat. I felt its softness and it helped me realize I would be back on 'normal' earth as soon as this trip was over. The TV made me even more nauseous.
The TV made me even more nauseous.

I decided I would walk into the bathroom. As I was walking I could not specify which room was what. Luckily Matt held my hand and led me to the bathroom. I started throwing up violently. I flushed the toilet and was amazed at what I saw. As disgusting as it sounds, the toilet water looked like a million crystals. I smiled to myself thinking that beautiful water fairies must have a secret heaven and palace in that disgusting toilet bowl. After a few more times of throwing up... the twitching really set it.

I felt like I had no control over any of my ligaments. My toes, fingers, arms...everything just felt like it was twitching out of control. I thought that's how a seizure must feel. I got into a fetal position again and let the twitching run its course. My heart was beating out of my chest. My dry mouth was so bad I couldn't stop swallowing. I thought I was destined to choke to death.

At this point Matt somehow gets me into his room. I can't even lift my head or I feel as if I'm going to puke all over again. I opt to sleep on the floor. He turned out all of the lights thinking it would help. The visions came back after he turned out the lights. They were not as harsh, it was more as if I was in a spiraling universe in space. Thank god I somehow made it onto the bed and fell asleep. Escaping the internal hell I smoked myself into.

I woke up the next morning next to Matt feeling quite happy. I still felt like I was going to throw up and I couldn't watch TV. The smell of weed still makes me nauseous. I think if I ever do smoke again, it won't be with my friend's crappy shake of death. I have a new appreciation of being able to control my thoughts, feelings and movements. It was a great wake-up call and definitely scared the shit out of me. As they say, be careful what you smoke.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71791
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2019Views: 672
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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