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Don't Always Need the Full 200mg
Citation:   BioHacker. "Don't Always Need the Full 200mg: An Experience with Modafinil (exp71973)". Mar 21, 2020.

  oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
I've tried Modafinil recently as a concentration-enhancement tool and have found that it works very well. I've noted an increased attention span, concentration ability, improvements to short-term memory, improvements to social function, enhanced creativity, and elevated mood.

I'd say that this is the first thing I've tried that I'd call a genuine smart drug. It gives me the positive effects of amphetamines without the euphoria, jitters, paranoia, and addiction. (I've tried meth once before and personally didn't like the way it made me feel, and I'd never consider using it repeatedly due to how nasty and addictive it is.)

But there's one observation I'd like to pass on that I think might be important: I *do not need* the full 200mg to get the 'smart drug' effects. I've found that as little as a quarter of a pill (50mg) produces elevated mood and enhanced mental edge.
I've found that as little as a quarter of a pill (50mg) produces elevated mood and enhanced mental edge.
That's good for a number of reasons, including saving money and reducing the potential for dependence and side effects.

Other notes:

It can be slightly habit forming. I'd say it's about as bad as caffeine, and going off it is about as bad as stopping coffee. But it could certainly be psychologically habit forming, since the effect is great.

I don't like mixing it with much if any caffeine. Doing so actually seems to dull the mental edge that it gives me! (Makes me wonder about caffeine...!)

Taking with at least a bit of food seems to improve duration.

Finally, a note about using it to stay up for days: Modafinil will let me do this, but the mental edge will dull after about 24 hours without sleep. If I take it in the morning and get a normal nights' rest for optimal mental function. (... and who knows what going without sleep is doing to me ...)

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71973
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 856
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Modafinil (217) : Not Applicable (38), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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