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Son-Et-Lumiere a la Shulgin
Unknown (sold as 2C-B)
by McA
Citation:   McA. "Son-Et-Lumiere a la Shulgin: An Experience with Unknown (sold as 2C-B) (exp71980)". Erowid.org. Oct 14, 2008. erowid.org/exp/71980

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  oral Unknown (blotter / tab)
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]
My day began with a glorious start; That afternoon I got my hands on some 2C-B blotters, each one being equivalent to about 20mg of 2C-B powder. I was overjoyed at obtaining them since it had been 6 months of chasing to finally get the dude to get out and get them for me.

So, being incredibly eager to try out this magnificent chemical again after my unwilling 6-month hiatus I sat myself down in the lounge room at 9PM, put on some Electro/House music, smoked a big bong in preparation, and slammed one and a half blotters under my tongue, anticipating that beautiful, bitter tang I know and love so much. It came, and went, and thus I had begun a 20-hour long parade through a world in my imagination I now both fear and respect.

An hour and a half after dropping (~10:30PM) them I began to notice a euphoric sensation building inside my chest, and the music I was playing began to take on a stronger meaning in some obstruse, undefinable way. Colours began to motivate me, inspiring emotions and thoughts I could not rationalise.

Half an hour after this I was thrown headfirst into a universe I can even now barely comprehend. My hamstrings started to spasm in the most intense manner imaginable, propelling my legs forward in bizarre, thrashing movements. Between this and the extreme arse cramps I was experiencing I was totally overwhelmed by the imagery being presented to me. The ceiling appeared to be pulsing, with a movement range of what appeared to be 10ft. Spirals of frosted light began flowing from it to my fingertips, and the edges of the walls were dancing in the most incredible, fluid motion I had ever seen.

Concentrating on the ceiling some more, it unfolded into a brilliant world of patterns, figures, insects, and a cross between paisley and mayan script. At this moment I understood the reason of Egyptian religion thanks to the dancing pharaohs on the ceiling who explained it to me by means of sign language - one that only I and they could possibly understand.

Bringing myself away from that scene (somewhat reluctantly) I managed to stumble onto the floor and from then until hours afterwards I believe that I wandered around the house, suffering a total breakdown of logic and reason. I recall meandering around the household, taking in the beauty and symmetry of everything given to me by this wonderful drug.

I was removed from my cocoon of self-inflicted insanity by the arrival of my housemate (~3:30AM), who had some of his friends with him. He had just returned from painting the town red and him and his friends were highly amused by my deluded, spasming hyperventilating antics. Sadly, I was not as amused as they were as being unfamiliar to me these friends invaded my lounge room (cause for war) and began playing Tiger Woods Golf on my 360. I could not handle the thought of these people interrupting my foray with 2C-B, and thus I began a downward spiral into utter reclusiveness and near-breakdown. My memory of events afterwards is fairly hazy, but I do recall several showcase events.

One vivid memory that stands out is me sitting in the foetal position, with my hood on, in the corner of the room shivering and spasming uncontrollably. I recall that the reason I did that was because I felt very cold, chilled to the bone, but also because I was listening to two strangers violating my mind with their talk of Golf, and Tiger Woods. At that time Golf, and Golf in the form of a video game, horrified me. I don't know why but I do know that it became the sole focus of all of my fear, and some of my fury at the same time.

After I managed to will myself into action, at 5AM I staggered into my room and collapsed in bed, sleeping a fitful sleep and dreaming incredible dreams that were closer to reality than I would have cared them to be. I nearly shat my pants four or five times during the next four hours and had to rush to the toilet, sometimes frantically, as on several attempts to I took minutes to grasp the concept, or necessity, of Doorknobs.

I awoke sometime around 9:30AM, and was astounded to find myself still tripping balls just as hard as when I had gone to bed. Intense gut spasms gripped me as the curtains unfolded into a trapezoidal shape on the ceiling and began acheiving a third dimension, turning into a neon, patterned cathedral of light, metallic pinging sounds bouncing all around me. I managed to go outside and for the next three hours I was occupied by the patterns developing on the shed, grass and concrete which astounded me with their tangibility. Thoughts rattled through my head so quickly I couldn't concentrate on one thing for more than a few seconds.

Starting at around 1PM, the open eye visual effects began to calm over the next six or seven hours while the closed eye visuals remained just as intense as ever. I was also still suffering the delusional logic inherent in one who was in the condition I was in. I cannot really remember what happened during that time but I do recall eating two oranges in an attempt to cleanse myself at roughly 5PM. I also scored some more weed from a friend about half an hour

afterwards. After a few bongs and some mortified thoughts at the condition of the world courtesy of the News on television, I managed to collapse in bed at around 7:30PM. For the next two hours intense visual and aural hallucinations assailed me courtest of the dark, and eventually, thankfully, I began to sleep.

I write this at midday on the day after the trip. I can't decide whether or not it was a good trip or a bad trip, but it is a glowing experience that I will nonetheless cherish for the rest of my life. It was the most intense, and longest trip I have ever had on 2C-B, or otherwise, and it showed me a glimpse into a mirror facing a window into a world that I won't ever forget.

As a side note, I believe that the concentration of 2C-B on these blotters could actually be higher than 30mg. I have no way of telling but I can say that two of them will make you see UFOs.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71980
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2008Views: 103
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2C-B (52), Unknown (120) : Alone (16), What Was in That? (26), General (1)

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