Maybe a Life Saver
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
by jimo
Citation:   jimo. "Maybe a Life Saver: An Experience with Pregabalin (Lyrica) (exp71994)". Jul 28, 2021.

I will start by saying that I suffer from undiagnosed recurrent abdominal pain. It has affected my life so greatly that I live in constant fear and extreme pain. I have a horrible time eating and vomit up a good amount of my food. I have bean hospitalized over fifteen times and been to the ER an uncountable amount of times. I have found a doctor that prescribes me oxycodone 30mg IR every four hours PRN. It is said that this will make things worse in the long run but is the only way I can function now. I have had three surgeries but the oxy is the only thing that has helped. I have had a bad month so I ran out of oxy and stared withdraw. Today has been hell. I am hurting more than ever and really don't know if I want to live anymore. In comes Lyrica. I got 600mg from my dad and have heard good things about Lyrica and opiate withdrawal. About two hours ago I opened seven 75mg capsules and sniffed them up. Not only has my withdraw seemed to magically vanished, I feel INCREDIBLE. My stomach feels normal and I ate a huge meal with no problems. I seem to have vertigo and am a little unsteady but the strange euphoria is something sent from god. I believe this might be my wonder drug. Not only for my abdominal pain but my anxiety and fear seem to be gone. I have the most comforting feeling of peace and I now have a new found hope.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71994
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 28, 2021Views: 1,619
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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