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The Things I Saw as an Infant
Citation:   Buddha. "The Things I Saw as an Infant: An Experience with Cannabis (exp72120)". Erowid.org. Sep 16, 2019. erowid.org/exp/72120

  repeated smoked Cannabis
My experiences with marijuana are very similar every time, but very enjoyable. I decided I had to write this report about it because of the amazing similarities between my experiences and those of another user. I will use one experience of mine that had all the things I normally feel, only more extreme because I was more high than usual.

There is a girl that goes to our school who lives in a rather nice apartment downtown (we live in a small town, so downtown isn’t much), but her parents were in Europe for a few weeks and she let us smoke in her apartment. On this occasion, she wasn’t even home when we were smoking. But anyway I was smoking with my best friend and one of his friends, who I’m also pretty well acquainted with. So we smoked almost an eighth, just us three, and I went to sit on the couch.

Many times I meditate while high because I can focus more without distracting thoughts
Many times I meditate while high because I can focus more without distracting thoughts
, but this day I decided I was so high, I should probably just enjoy it. All my friends know that with me, I get high very easily, and I have intense highs. For whatever reason, my highs are in my head, body, and eyes at the same time. So when I sit still I shiver and shake and twitch, but also get distorted visuals. Well sitting on the couch I started feeling like the couch was falling backwards all the time, as if I was on a small, but fast ferris wheel going in reverse. I could actually feel the wind against my skin (I later realized this was an exaggeration of the wind from the fan above me). Then I closed my eyes and got some closed eye visuals, which are somewhat consistent with every time I get high. It seems to me that these visuals are of things I saw as an infant. For example, I saw my house, but it was an incredibly simplified version, with only one floor, and only one level of roof which slanted to the back. But it was most definitely my house. I think I was somehow remembering the way I saw or thought of my house when I was just an infant. I also saw a pattern that could either be an eye or a loose outline of a house, but that pattern appears in my head almost every time.

Eventually I decided to return to my friends who were sitting at the counter together but both were very intently staring at the counter-top. So I got a granola bar, which was somewhat hard to chew but every time I opened my jaw the stickiness sent waves of euphoria through my body. It felt so good. Then I sat down again and decided I would travel down the rabbit hole. I closed my eyes and could easily visualize a rabbit hole. I pushed down through the hole by chewing, and those waves pushed the dirt aside. The rest of the day pretty much went on like this.

For the next few days I felt more refreshed and optimistic than I have in as long as I can remember.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72120
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 16, 2019Views: 812
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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