Two Week Overview
Citation:   o22agar. "Two Week Overview: An Experience with Heroin (exp72147)". Nov 5, 2020.

  repeated insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
I have recently started using heroin. Aside from the high, the drug, for me, is rather undesirable.

The reason I stated 'unknown' as the dosage is that I am unsure of the purity. However, based on online dose information about heroin, I have come to assume that the purity of my most recently used batch is somewhere between 30% and 50%. My most recent doses, which have steadily been increasing, are, roughly, 20mg of the powder. These 20mg doses are insufflated, and separated into three, or four lines. so this comes out to be anywhere from 6mg to 10mg of heroin - not all that much. It needs to be noted that, all of the heroin that I have done has exhibited a slight odor of morphine, and no, detectable, acetic acid (vinegar) scent. This implies the possibility of a few things. The heroin may not be heroin, and is morphine. However, I don't think that this is the case; the morphine scent is not all that strong. The heroin could be cut with morphine. There also lies the possibility that, during the acetylation of morphine to create the heroin, not all of the morphine was converted into heroin. This possibility may explain the lack of any acetic acid smell, i.e.: not enough acetic acid was used to fully convert the morphine. I digress.

The high is comparable to taking high doses of oxycodone, but with an intense euphoria that is not present with oxycodone. Tolerance for the drug is rapidly developed. I have had to nearly quadruple my dosage since my first use. The first time I used, I bought a twenty dollars worth. This lasted me about two days. During these two days, there was a noticeable tolerance with subsequent uses. I didn't use for for a week, and there was no withdraw. After that week, I bought more, and used for a week. I stopped for two days. On the second day, I experienced what I thought to be withdraw symptoms. These symptoms were not physical, and only included almost uncontrollable crying. I used the next day to experiment if they were, in fact withdraw symptoms. I didn't experience the uncontrollable crying. Tomorrow, to discover if that experience was just something that happened, or if it was, actually, withdraw I won't use. If the same thing happens, the withdraw possibility is almost definite. Keep in mind, this has stemmed from an initial two day use period, followed by a week of no use, followed by another week of daily use. All I am trying to say here is, this stuff is not good for anything excluding extremely intermittent use. Other than the high, heroin good for nothing. Also, it gave me some really bad constipation.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2020Views: 789
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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