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An Epic Realization of the Unknown
Salvia divinorum (40x extract)
Citation:   Mack E.. "An Epic Realization of the Unknown: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (40x extract) (exp72225)". Oct 1, 2019.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
An epic realization of the unknown.

It was Halloween night 2007 when I first felt the full effects of Salvia Divinorum. I had gone to a friend’s house with four other of my friends to pick up the nights doses. Once we arrived at the apartment I was excited to see all the people I had known for quite some time but the person we were getting our doses from wasn’t there yet. Then a close friend of mine asked me if I wanted to hit some Salvia. I had tried salvia once before that night, but did not feel the effects due to the fact that I didn’t smoke it the right way. So even though she just loaded a half gram of 40x Salvia Divinorum for my first actual time into the bong I didn’t hesitate to take the offer.

My friend Dillon wasn’t so sure of the idea but he said he knew I could handle it. I was sitting on a brown leather couch, across from the couch I was sitting on, was another couch. The wall to my left was a sliding glass door and sitting all around me were my friends not willing to partake in the Salvia smoking. Dillon was kneeling in front of me to make sure I cash the whole bowl, and keep it lit . I kept it lit and cashed the whole bowl. I even cleared it and held it in.

Once the smoke was inside my lungs I knew change was about to happen, but I didn’t realize what a change that was going to be. I blew the hit out and Dillon walked backwards to the far wall in front of me. It took longer to take hold of me than other salvia experiences I’ve had since then. It took about 30 seconds to kick in. Once it started I said out loud, “I can already feel it, but I’m cool.” Then my friend Dillon replied from across the room, “Oh yes, can you even stand up?” At that moment I was well on my way. A, what seemed to be wise, voice said, “Here we go.” I stood up about halfway off the couch when the person sitting next to me decided to mess with his poi. The light from the poi had some weird effect on me standing and I was pulled not just back to the couch, but into it. I heard a sound like a computer shutting down. Not like the nice little chime, but the digital fade from high to low. Then what I believe to be extra dimensional beings began speaking to me, and telling me important things I completely understood at the time. It was very valuable information and that’s all I can remember about the words spoken to me. Then, one of the beings pointed and the wall to the left of me turned into a portal. The beings gathered and stood so that each of their heads were above the other. Kind of like how people in choir stand on risers. I remember there being seven of these beings all taking their turn telling me bit’s and pieces of information I would need when I enter the portal. They wanted me to go through the portal!!

I was being transported to another plane of existence. Then I was lifted. The beings slowly began to fade. The portal was gone. I came back to the room I was in before I took that rip of amazement. I was still out of it when I came back though. I had a hot, sticky, kind of wet feeling all over my body.
I had a hot, sticky, kind of wet feeling all over my body.
It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling but it was definitely new. The first thing I remember that happened when I was back to what most people call “reality”, was me looking around the area I was sitting then jumping up really quick yelling, “what the fuck!?” Everyone was either: laughing, understanding of my situation, or extremely weirded out by my behavior during the trip.

Every Salvia trip I’ve had since then was very meaningful. To this day, every time I ingest Salvia Divinorum there is that same sound of a computer shutting down and a voice basically numbering my experiences. The second time I smoked it, the voice said, “Here we go again.” The third time I smoked it, the voice said, “How many times will it take before you figure it out?” And so on and so forth. Every time I smoke salvia the first phrase is the only one I can remember, but there are voices all throughout the trip. Sadly enough the first phrase seems pointless besides letting me know that the beings remember me from all the previous experiences.

I am now a proud owner of a Salvia Divinorum plant. I am fascinated with how it brings me face to face with what I believe to be the extra dimensional beings that live amongst us without our acknowledgement. I have chosen to dedicate my life to the study of this mystical plant. Please do not abuse this gift we have been given. I believe salvia holds the key to an enormous amount of knowledge, and when used properly, one just might be let in on what is really going on.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 72225
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2019Views: 602
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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