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The Best Feeling in the World
Citation:   Alicat. "The Best Feeling in the World: An Experience with MDMA (exp72240)". Aug 20, 2019.

1 tablet oral MDMA
Best Experience Ever

Growing up in Australia during the 90s, we we're given alot of lectures on ecstasy use after the death of Anna Wood in 1995. So originally I was very opposed to ecstasy use during my young adolescence. To me everyone who tried it died, which was such a stereotype. I assumed everyone who did it, had been majorly affected in some way.

Cut to 2008, I was 18 and starting to experience the clubbing lifestyle, which is fuelled with drugs, alcohol and other antics. I'm not saying just because I go clubbing I started using it, naturally I was always curious with drugs except Ecstasy. A drug I really wanted to try was Cocaine, but I haven't had my chance yet.

The first drug I ever used was Marijuana, Christmas 2007. I inhaled it, and all it did was make everything seem silly and make me all giggly inside. That's when I knew I could progress to my other experiments. Except the after-taste is just horrible.

Pretty much one month later, my two best friends and I decided to hit up the local bar/club. One of my friends had obtained a pill from a co-worker, and that's when my other friend and I decided to try it too. We called around, and had no luck. But then we contacted someone who was already at the club, and they had arranged to get two pills for us, one each.

We arrived and waited and waited until we started get eager, and couldn't wait to just try it. We got our pills and went to the cubicle, I looked at it's blue ness, it was a dove. I swallowed it, without realising I had nothing to wash it down with. The taste is horrible, so I ran out to the toilets with it in my mouth, and used an alcoholic beverage to wash it down.

It was stewing and stewing then suddenly, I felt it. The best feeling in the world. A feeling that is so indescribable, it's just too good. I felt like the whole world was my oyster, I smiled, I danced and I acknowledged everyone else around me who's on it, it was just a secret between me and them. Fortunately we were with our friend an experienced user, so we didn't drown ourselves or freak out. I helped myself to enough water, to accompany my dancing, which I do alot.

It felt good, it felt like I could do anything anytime. I just felt brilliant. My come down wasn't that bad, I just could only sleep for 2 hours cause I kept on waking up and became slightly paranoid. The only bad thing was the fact I couldn't eat for the next few days because my jaw ached so bad from chewing gum, but oh well.

For a period I used it every weekend, but then I had a break from April til late July.
For a period I used it every weekend, but then I had a break from April til late July.
I'm lucky enough to be aware of my use, and I don't abuse it. I took a two month break for goodness sake, not many of my friends can do that especially since substance abuse can be taken out of hand, like anything really.

I suppose what I learned from this wonderful experience, is that like most vices, ecstasy needs to be treated with respect. You need to learn how to control it, don't let it control you. My other friend who tried it is now semi-addicted. She doesn't admit it, but now she needs it to have fun. I don't know if she's trying to impress anyone, but she's gone from having one pill a weekend to going to a music festival and having four, compared to her other drug-experienced friends who we're only having two the whole day.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72240
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 20, 2019Views: 801
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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