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She Showed Me So Much More
Salvia divinorum (Extract)
by numb
Citation:   numb. "She Showed Me So Much More: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (Extract) (exp72319)". Jun 26, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
    smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Where to start, iv done salvia several times experiencing laughing trips and bad trips but now iv seen its real potential.

I was visiting home 4th of july and decided to drink some so I drank too much, I had some of the yellow scale salvia(deep self-exploation) unknow extract. It was about 1:30am my brother and his finance were on the back porch so I decided to join them. I had a half gram of the salvia and told them I wanted to take a hit so I went and retrieved it and they agreed to baby sit me as I did so. I turned out all the lights and took a hit while they sit and watched. Soon as I exhaled I layed back and let her take me away. She took me on such a wonderful journey and showed me everything in life thats good things iv never felt. I believe now that I know how to live my life and how I need to go about living it. Its so extremely hard to explain the journey she took me on she was such an amazing being. I feel much better about life and I dont believe things can get any better, everything is perfect.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72319
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2018Views: 821
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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