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Are the Shadows Talking to You Yet
Citation:   insane. "Are the Shadows Talking to You Yet: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp72344)". Erowid.org. Aug 10, 2018. erowid.org/exp/72344

  insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
Let me start of by saying some background information on me. At 14 I tried my first drug and from then on have tried many other drugs. These are Marijuana, Shrooms, Cocaine, Ecstacy, DXM, 2C-I, various forms of painkillers and benzos, and what I'm doing my report on Methamphetamine, otherwise I call 'the devil'.

I have always heard about people who have done meth and how they cant sleep for days and drop weight like crazy, and on rare occasions see what they refer to as 'the shadows'. Now I didn't know people who were into meth so the first time I came across someone who had it I gave it a try. This was at the age of 16 and when I tried it, it had a pinkish color to it and was in powder (my experience with the most potent kind of meth will come later). The only thing I felt was a slight burn and that was it.

Years passed and once again meth came into my life when a co-worker said he has some. This was at age 19, now within the 3 years which has passed I gain knowledged on Meth and how it has various forms, the most potent being in clear shard like form (ICE as most call it). My co-worker said he had some ice and gave me a sample. This time around, it was clear and looked just like they call it, broken little shards of ice. I made two lines and snorted one throught my nostril and gave the other one to another co-worker. First thing I felt was like I just snorted some jalapeno juice through my nose cause that shit burned, and when I mean burn I mean really burn!! I got tears in my eyes. After awhile the burn feeling went away and immediately I felt so energetic, it felt litteraly like I was floating. I felt euphoric, my body felt light, and very talkative. After this I spent about 6 months using Ice via snorting it, but yet I never got the side effects of people who say they cant sleep and all this other stuff. This changes later when I learn about smoking it.
I spent about 6 months using Ice via snorting it, but yet I never got the side effects of people who say they cant sleep and all this other stuff. This changes later when I learn about smoking it.

One day I go over my friends house (who I didnt know was into ice) and ask him if he wants a line of ice. He says sure and we snort it. It figures he had some ice himself and he takes out this pipe with a bowl on the end, this is those infamous pipes they no longer sell at the gas stations called 'valentine roses'. Well he loads it with ice and takes out a lighter and starts heating up the bowl and inhales the smoke, blowing out HUGE smoke clouds. Now this is the first time I smoked ice. I give it a try and right away it feels way different and better then snorting it. I felt an immediate rush of adrenaline and my eyes felt wide open.

From now on I smoked it and this is when all shit started going downhill. I started wanting it more and more, since it lasts a lot shorter smoking it. After binging for about two days I then got the effects everybody would talk about. I couldnt sleep for the shit of it, as hard as I would try it just wasnt possible. The thought of eating food would make me gag, so without sleep and food I felt like shit, but the worst was yet to come. One night while in my basement room trying to sleep (which wasnt happening), I started hearing people outside my bedroom door. I went outside to open it and nobody was there. I would lay back down and it started happening again, I swear I would hear people talking but yet when I go to turn on the lights nobody would be there.

Out of the corner of my eye I would see these shadows and think there are people, and extreme paranoia like I never imagine would set in. This was the downfall and realization I need to quit this shit right away. After about 4 days I would get back to normal. The worst I ever had it was going about 1 week without sleep and dropping down to about 130 (weighed 150). I would seriously get hot flashes and profously sweat like no other.

I have had my share of binges in the past but no more. Stay clear away from this drug as it will tear you apart without you even noticing it.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72344
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 10, 2018Views: 2,513
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Methamphetamine (37) : Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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