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Face In the Clouds
Citation:   shades. "Face In the Clouds: An Experience with LSD (exp72407)". Jul 18, 2017.

2.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This trip happened at a huge music festival. This was my first time that I tripped really hard and it was overall a very positive experience. My and one of my friends took 2.5 hits at about 1 PM. We sat around and talked for about a half hour, and when we both started to feel some initial effects come on we started walking to the festival area. We decided to split up from the rest of our friends that were with us so we could be free to go off and adventure without being tied down to a big group.

By the time we got to the festival area we were both starting to feel very upbeat and giggly. After walking all the way there we sat in the grass near one of the stages and waited for the show to start while we checked out the schedule and planned our day. We cracked some jokes and were laughing really hard. When the show started, we went up to the front. The band was awesome and it felt great to move to the music.

After a few songs, we figured it would be a good idea to go see one of the crazy side-shows going on at one of the tents. By the time we got there we were starting to trip pretty hard. We sat down in the tent and waited for the show to start. We had a really interesting conversation with someone near us about how crazy the whole festival experience is. I felt like I was speaking really profoundly and me and my friend were both cracking up. There were decorative chandeliers hanging from the tent that seemed to sway back and forth. The show began and it was immediately very visually appealing. The opening act had 3 women dancing in golden clothing and they were waving around golden cloth that seemed to shimmer. The colors, lights, and music were all very vivid and spectacular.

We left before the show ended and we both felt like wandering around and just watching all the people around. It felt amazing to walk and my legs felt a little rubbery. I noticed I was sweating and the water felt very strange on my skin, and I loved how slippery it felt on my forehead and between my fingers. I couldn’t hold back a huge smile from my face! We started talking to some drunk girls at one point and we were both laughing because they had no idea what we were experiencing. Conversation was difficult and required a lot of thought, but I felt I could still get a point across normally with some added effort. I felt like I could walk forever. We ended up going all the way to the main stage and caught a couple songs from the band there.

As we walked to another stage to go to a show that was starting soon, we randomly ran into the rest of our friends. When we saw them, they looked very different to me and it was very surreal. We talked a little bit with our other friends, but conversation was becoming more and more difficult. I felt like I wanted to talk with my friend who was tripping about what we were both experiencing, but it became more and more difficult to put things into words. My reality was starting to fall apart a little bit and I noticed that all of my normal judgments about things were suspended and I could think about them in a different way.

It was liberating and confusing at the same time because I was starting to realize the complete subjective-ness of all experience and my brain had nothing to grasp as solid ground. This is an extremely difficult feeling to put into words, and it really opened my mind to different possibilities and ways of thinking. I also thought about how awesome and free the whole music festival scene is, with so many people into so many different kind of things, all having radically different subjective experiences and mindsets. It made me realize how true it is that there is no objectivity when it comes to human experience and behavior. I realized how deep down we’re all so different from each other, and that it’s not only just o.k. to do your own thing but it’s also amazing!

We walked over to another concert nearby and arrived right on time. The band started to play, and after a minute I realized they weren’t playing any real songs and were just improvising. They were really gelling and were playing some very spacy, atonal music. I was hearing how they kept subtly surprising each other and exploring different tonal areas seemlessly. If I focused my attention, I could hear great intricacy in the way they played every note. We left after about 30 minutes to go catch another show. We sat down towards the back and had a conversation with this really bubbly, free-spirited girl who I think was also tripping on something. Her voice was very calming and I enjoyed the conversation, though speech was still difficult. After she left, I laid down in the grass and stared up at the sky. I was getting very intense visuals looking at the clouds and they appeared to swirl around and I could see waves go across the sky along with the music. I told my friend to do the same and offered him my sunglasses. We laughed about the common experience and how it made absolutely no sense to our logical brains but nonetheless it was very real in our minds. This was a strange duality to me of being completely out of my mind, but yet still present, collected, and completely able to communicate!

After that concert ended, we walked along a trail that goes through a small forest with really cool looking trees. There was a man doing sound therapy for donations there and we laid down nearby to take some time to recharge a little. The sound of the gongs he was using were calming and I felt deeply at peace. Laying down in the woods and staring up at the trees swaying in the woods was blissful. I wanted to stay there forever, but my friend wanted to go see the next concert and we had to leave.

We went up to the very front at the concert and found our other friends who were there. It was very crowded and I felt uncomfortable. Shortly after, the concert started and I was really enjoying the music for the first few songs. One of my friends sparked up a joint and passed it to me. I was feeling really good still and I figured it would be a good idea to hit it, but I turned out to be way wrong. The next song the band played was a very heavy, aggressive song, and it freaked me out a little bit and I started to feel bad vibes. After the song, the band started smoking a blunt on stage, and then threw it into the crowd near me, and one of my friends caught it. Instantly, it was a frenzy for everyone around to get a hit off of it, and I just felt caught in a vortex of bad vibes. My friends all passed it around our own circle and smoked most of it before passing it to anyone else around us (which I thought was a huge dick move). I passed on it, not wanting anything to do with it. At that point, I just wanted to get out of there, but it was so crowded that I was pretty trapped. I couldn’t get into the music after that, and my mind was getting very negative. I was pissed that I had smoked and that it was giving me a bad trip. That’s when I had a huge revelation that I don’t even like smoking anymore, even though I’ve smoked regularly for years, often daily. I realized that it has always just brought me down more than anything, making me paranoid, self-conscious, and lazy. This was a very liberating discovery to me, and felt like a weight off of my back, even though I was still not having a good time.

I was so glad when the concert was over, even though it was a band I normally like. My friends couldn’t stop talking about how amazing the show was, and I was having a hard time explaining exactly why I didn’t enjoy it. I was able to put it behind me, though, and I enjoyed the rest of the day. It started to get dark and there were now brilliantly colored lights all over the place to check out.

I was no longer peaking but definitely still feeling effects. We went back to our campsite later and I had a blast just improvising on my guitar. I felt like I played more rhythmically and creatively than I ever have, which was cool. I started playing the rhythm guitar part for “Dark Star” and jammed on it with one of my friends and it was a blast. All in all, it was a really great trip and I felt like I benefited from being able to see the world through a different lens for a day. I was able to more objectively look at my life and my personality, and I feel that was of great value. I feel like there is so much more that I could write about it, but it’s so hard to put that type of experience to words. I think music festivals are perfect settings for doing acid I look forward to doing it again some time down the road.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72407
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 18, 2017Views: 1,064
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LSD (2) : General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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