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Black God
Citation:   heroinchic. "Black God: An Experience with Heroin (exp72618)". Oct 5, 2018.

1 g smoked Heroin (daily)
I was always the girl that hated vicodin and would refuse it when prescribed to me by telling the doc that I was allergic. I was so innocent back then. One vic (the lowest dose) would make me vomit. Now I could take Norco's all day and not feel shit. To be innocent again...

Anyway, I digress. I am going through a medical procedure right now and became super stoked at the prospect of getting some tylenol with codeine (T3). I was supposed to get some black for this procedure, but have just kicked for the 10th time (literally) with my last suboxones (which, by the way, is a miracle drug for getting off opiates) and am really not trying to get back into my daily habit of a gram (at least) a day.

But let me talk about those days. I loved them and hated them. The first time I tried black, it was with friends, in a comfortable situation. I smoked off foil and someone lit it for me because I was inept, and after five whole hits I was wasted and worrying of od. I even had my friend drive us to work because I was feeling quite fucked up.

I was into it and wanted to try it again but I had read about some weird disease that heroin smokers can get that messes with your brain and can kill you. Shooting up was not an option for me, so my dealer taught me how to mix it with water and snort it from a nasal spray bottle. Did a bunch of snorts one night while drinking and woke up to puke and didn't stop throwing up until the next evening. It was awful. I decided right then and there I hated it.

Then, I read somewhere that you have to work at a relationship with heroin, so I decided to try it again, said fuck it, and smoked it. I must have done a very good job at nurturing a relationship because H has been with me for over a year now. Tolerance builds fast, quite soon I was doing a g and a half or more.
Tolerance builds fast, quite soon I was doing a g and a half or more.
I was finding new customers left and right, and would play middle man and charge insane amounts for getting it, and would usually smoke about half. Hey, felonies ain't cheap, right? People understood this which surprised me. I think they tolerated it because I was the only one who had the connect. Soon, scoring became my life. I was literally chasing the fucking dragon.

But the high is worth it and it is the best in the beginning before my tolerance is sky high. I love getting back into it and taking those first few hits...yum. Most people cannot stand the taste or the harsh smoke but I love it. I love the whole process. I just sit in the bathroom with the water running smoking to my hearts content. I become relaxed, down for whatever, and ready to take on the day. Once I got an addiction, I needed to smoke to even get started. At low doses, I get more energy. Over a g just makes me sleep all day and constantly nod out. I am not a huge fan of the pins and needles, although I love pinned pupils. Great way to gauge how high I am. If only I could keep it to a weekend thing....

Heroin is the only drug that really got me, and I noticed this was a pretty common theme in other heroin or opiate stories, like the others, I have had my time with coke, meth, lsd, shrooms, weed, alcohol, e, xanax, and whatever else I could shove in some orifice in my face. Once there was H, there was nothing else. Which for me, was a good thing. My mother died of cirrhosis of the liver at 31, I was on my way. H helped me quit drinking and alcohol is way harder on the body than H when smoked or snorted.

So now I am very good at smoking off foil and not wasting the H, I have a technique for scraping every little last piece of black goo from my straws, razor, and wherever else a blob may have dropped. I have devoted over a year of my life to this high. It's always going to be there. Is it really worth it? Probably not. Think before you play with this drug. You may have a gorilla on your back for the rest of your life.

Exp Year: 2007-2008ExpID: 72618
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 5, 2018Views: 2,043
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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