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Tripping 12 Long Hours
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Married Prankster. "Tripping 12 Long Hours: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp72625)". May 14, 2018.

T+ 0:15
6 in oral Cacti - T. bridgesii (liquid)
The first time I've heard of San Pedro, was about 2 weeks ago, when my friend D told me that the cactus makes you hallucinate. Since then, I've searched all over the internet, seeking of the most potent preparation method. The recipes all varied much one from another but I’ve managed to pick one out of the pile…

That was my first encounter ever with the cactus. The recipe instructed to remove all the spikes, and, gently remove the waxy and useless outer skin. Then to cut most of the green layer of the flesh, cut to pieces, and freeze in the fridge over night.
And so I did.

The next step, I put the (already unfrozen) pieces in to a blender, and converted them into a gooey mush. From this step, forward, things really started to mess up, because I was stuck with this dough-like puree, and since I’ve blended the pieces of the cactus without adding any water, I couldn’t squeeze out the precious, mescaline containing juice. At the end I boiled the damned thing, drank it, but there were no special changes in my consciousness, except for some colors that became really fun to look at (greens, yellows, an especially reds!) , but no more than that, so being pretty disappointed I went to sleep.

The next day, I went to my friend Z’s house, to tell him how the cactus sucked. In my friend’s garden, thou, I ran into a rather small San Pedro, his segments were much smaller than the ones I’ve cooked yesterday (about 5.5 cm in diameter, and less than 30 cm long). But the important thing is they were MUCH greener in color, the whole cactus had a really dark green color to it.

After getting my friend’s permission, to cut one segment away, I went home to give San Pedro another shot. The piece was about 6 cm in diameter and 27 cm long and dark green colored. After boiling only the green flesh around four hours, I collected the 500 ml of yellow liquid remaining, and filtered(squeezed actually) the remains of the once green flesh. All that liquid was stored in the fridge over the night.

I couldn’t sleep that night, so I woke up at around 5:00 AM. I went out to my garden and as the sunlight was yet barely visible on the mountains surrounding my humble town, I drank about 250 ml of the liquid(half of what I had), and this time it was much bitter than the last time, thou I don’t have a problem with the taste. This was accompanied by some water, and salty nuts.

Fifteen minutes later I drank all of the remains, and sat to meditate. Twenty minutes later I was felling nausea, but I knew I must keep it in, so I continued my meditation. Overall the nausea lasted about an hour and a half, but I didn’t wait for it to be 6 hours after my last meal, to drink the mescaline so that probably explains that.

About two and a half hours since the ingestion, I really started to notice the high. It was now 7:30 AM, and the sun came up, so went for a walk to the park. I would really like to exclude you of the amazing feelings and the enlightments I’ve experienced, because everyone writes so much about it, when all those feelings should really be experienced on one’s self , rather read on some dude’s post.

Making long (really long story) short, I’ve been a smiling hippie for about four hours, hugging trees, smelling flowers, and generally looking really weird. The high was definitely very intense, up to the point, when I was hallucinating for half an hour not even noticing the time pass away. The head felt heavy, and spinning, in a fun way. Those four hours were only outside. When I came home, not that the trip grew stronger, it continued till… get ready for this... 8:00 PM in the evening!!! Was real fun watching Futurama and Family Guy, while high on Mescaline. Couldn’t stop laughing. The effects slowly faded out, followed by a major headache (maybe because I didn’t sleep the night before).

In a conclusion, the San Pedro experience was lots of both in fun and learning about the nature, and about me as an individual and as a soul.

I will totally do it again sometime very soon! (***Cough ***Cough… tomorrow.)

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72625
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2018Views: 1,185
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Unknown Context (20), First Times (2), General (1)

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