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Sensations of Things That Weren't There
Salvia divinorum (60x extract)
Citation:   Nameless . "Sensations of Things That Weren't There: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (60x extract) (exp72842)". Erowid.org. May 27, 2020. erowid.org/exp/72842

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum
I was with a good friend and his girlfriend. We decided that since we weren't sure what Salvia would smell like that it would be best if we were to do it outside. I smoked just after the sun had gone down. The sky was still light.

I took the hit deep and held it as long as I could. I passed my friend the pipe and said 'Maybe I need another hit'. I don't really recall exhaling, apparently that one hit was enough!

There is a blank spot in my memory but I will report what my friends told me. After taking the hit I immediately covered my mouth with my hand as if I were afraid. I then walked a short distance while swatting at things that were in front of me (as if there were bugs that were around me). They were afraid that I would fall so they brought a chair over to me. They guided me into the chair and after a short time I was fully aware of the outside world and back to normal.

What I experienced was far different from what my body was doing.
What I experienced was far different from what my body was doing.
As I said there was definitely a blank spot in my memory. There are few things that I wanted to comment on from my experience with Salvia. I have read other reports from people about 'Salvia space' and 'Salvia time'. It's a little difficult to put into words. While I was under the effects of Salvia I wasn't there. My mind was somewhere completely different while my body walked and did it's own thing for a few minutes. Salvia time for me is an equally real concept. I could have been gone for minutes, days, weeks I had no idea. It was only after I had come down that time meant something to me again.

What did I see? Good question! On the whole I don't remember but I am fairly sure that I was in a dark forest. The swatting that I was doing was because of the vines and leaves that were hanging down and getting in my way as I was walking. I have a distinct feeling that I was being followed and that something was coming after me but at no time was I scared. At this point in the trip the real world is starting to peak through. I heard the voices of my friends for the first time. They were asking me questions (which at that point I couldn't comprehend at all). I looked behind me and I saw a figure wearing a black and green cloak and knew without a doubt that it was a god of some kind. I put my left arm out and felt a tree that was covered in moss, only in reality there was nothing there. The next thing that I became aware of was that there was something under me. I couldn't understand the concept of a chair at that moment. I didn't know what a chair was. I felt it as a pressure but couldn't connect that with sitting. At this point I started to feel an intense vibration. It felt like every fiber of my being was shaking. The next thing I became aware of was something in my hand. I started feeling it intensely but couldn't determine what it was. It was the hand of my friend's girlfriend. I remember distinctly feeling the shapes of the rings on her fingers trying to make sense of what they were. The next thing I became aware of was a pressure on my head. I was wearing a hat but the concept of 'hat' and really even 'head' didn't mean anything to me yet. I finally realized what that was. Then I really started seeing the world around me as it was. For a split second I had no idea that I had done Salvia at all. I didn't recognize the people I was with or where I was. I had no remembrance of who I was. It slowly started coming back to me as I regained my ability to speak and my think. Within a few more minutes I was back to normal.

Was I prepared for the experience I had? Yes and no. I had read up on Salvia thoroughly before ever trying it. I was in good company and in a safe place. That part I was ready for. The trip itself was the most disassociative thing I have ever done. My friends told me that they could tell that I wasn't there and to be honest I wasn't.

Coming out of it was fascinating for me. Imagine if you suddenly came into existence and went from not being able to see, hear, touch, taste or smell anything and had no preconceived notions, associations or recollections of anything and went from that moment back to full sensory perception of your environment and back to normal within just a few moments. It was an incredible deconstruction and reassembly.

Am I going to do it again? Without a doubt. Salvia is capable of doing much more than making you see ripples or patterns in the carpet. I have read a lot about hallucinogens and their effects and I don't recall ever seeing something that was like this at all. I also don't remember reading about peoples' hallucinations extending to tactile sensations of things that weren't there. This is definitely something that deserves further attention and experimentation.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72842
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 541
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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