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Oh, Good! You're Here!
Salvia divinorum (40x extract)
Citation:   Roger Lemuri. "Oh, Good! You're Here!: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (40x extract) (exp72911)". May 18, 2020.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
If this seems scattered and disorganized it's because I started to write it after I had regained the ability to do so and further added to it after introspection.

I can only stare in wonder as reality is being continually re-layered by an endless stream of replacement patterns each about 2x4 inches in surface area and of indeterminate but shallow depth (now that I think of it they were rather shaped like large versions of plant cells). The process was akin to that of a series tank treads or an assembly line belt with the segments of reality lined up tight together. The belts flowed in a liquid movement but followed ridged courses that almost formed letter like shapes. On retrospect the music seemed to be dictating the course the treads would follow. As a plastic-y tile of reality moved up the line it would take the proper color of whatever object is overlayed on top of or perhaps it was filling in the objects making them solid and tangible. The scene appeared both 2 and 3 dimensional simultaneously.

There is most certainly an intelligent female presence in the room with me. I'm listening to Monteverdi and it's in Latin. The words are there but they take on sounds and meaning. I felt I understood but the actual sense and meaning was just outside of understanding. It was only when I successfully verbalized the words I somewhat snapped back to 'reality'. The words were nonsense formed by the words being sung. Damn logic hops back into the drivers seat. The presence seemed eager to try and teach.
The presence seemed eager to try and teach.
But I'm given over to astonishment. I feel as though I'm watching a children's educational program. Very vivid and cartoony. The lesson seems urgent probably due to the short length afforded to a salvia experience. There was a brief moment where it seemed the presence was there to condemn me, but I wouldn't allow myself to scolded. The presence then switch atmosphere and became rather like a kindergarten teacher. But with urgency. An almost manic happy urgency. Friendly and supportive...with a kind of 'you can do it' attitude. It believed in me. Was this my anima? Was it my shadow after realizing it wasn't going to get to torture me today? The first is more likely. I would love to meet someone like that in real life. That speaks of an anima encounter.
'What the eff are you doing here!'
'Sorry, Kali...not anymore.'
'Oh, good you're here!!! On with the lesson. There isn't much time.'

I'm currently sorting the material I've been given.

Another interesting thing was I was being pulled down to my left almost as if on a treadmill of my own. The presence was just outside my peripheral vision to the right, but I couldn't turn my head because I was entranced by the rubber pop-up book village being created by the treadmills using whatever material in the room available to it. As soon as mundane logic kicked back in the entity became quiet and calm, but still friendly and happy. I guess she knew that class was over.

Clerty or clerdat'k cl'rt. Almost one of those african click languages but far more low clucks of the tongue and very little clicking. Almost a low midrange rumble to it that sounds like the Boston TV network logo that appears at the end of certain PBS programs. Makes me feel very self conscious. Self conscious negative Kali condemnation. But I can handle it. And pretty much dismiss it. Which may be the exact wrong thing to do. The music seems in charge. Always these big interlocking childish puffy puzzle pieces all the same shape interlocking and flowing in interlocking ribbons. Some of the ribbons join to form 3d objects with puffy brocade borders. If I close my eyes the loose ribbons of the shapes sneak in before I get my eye completely shut and continue their activities on the inside of my head. There is little difference between closed and open eyes.

After about a day of contemplation I've begun working on Ego and Shadow issues. This I believe is the lesson of this particular session.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72911
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2020Views: 590
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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