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Logistics of Reality
by Bkr
Citation:   Bkr. "Logistics of Reality: An Experience with DXM (exp72979)". Aug 22, 2008.

600 mg oral DXM (capsule)
Date of Consumption: July 10th

Around 8:00 PM that evening I ingested 600 mg (roughly 7mg/kg) of DXM in the form of two bottles of Robitussin Long-Acting Gelcaps, and I still have yet to make the distinction of whether this was a second or third plateau trip.

A description of my trip:

As I began to feel the effects of what I had taken, I had begun to think to myself the logistics of reality, and just how plausible taht everything occurs the way it does. I began to feel enclosed, almost as if even though there was a whole world outside of my basement that I was truly all alone and the only reality was the room I was sitting in. It began to feel other-worldy, as I began to recollect events of my past increasingly vividly, and then just discard them as though they'd never even occurred at all.

Suffice to say it was quite the surprise.

During my trip I encountered a mild fever, the 'robo itch', a terrible case of urinary retention, and sleeplessness like I'd been doing cocaine. **Prior to this I'd had no unplesant side effects.**

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72979
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 22, 2008Views: 19,740
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DXM (22) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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