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Living Multiple Lives in Minutes
Salvia divinorum & Alcohol
Citation:   Darius. "Living Multiple Lives in Minutes: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Alcohol (exp72997)". May 18, 2020.

  repeated oral Alcohol  
  2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Since I approach my use with a scientific -- or maybe hollistic view and regard I figured I should begin documenting my experiences for reflection and review to search for maybe deeper answers that a more focused report will bring to light:

Starting with the most recent, Salvia Divinorum. First of all a warning: This is not a recreational drug -- its serious business. The night was a good night, had a few drinks and was feeling very anxious at trying the Salvia Divinorum that I had picked up from the store. It was a 15x solution. I had read some accounts of salvia and decided to have a friend present who was an experienced user, but had never tried Salvia Divinorum. I loaded up a bowl -- of good size into a water pipe also of good size. I decided for ambiance I wanted a relaxing song on. I have Happy Endings by Lee Brice On.

Salvia Divinorum pulls from your environment and I would soon figure out that this is very important. I take a very large hit, holding in the Salvia Divinorum. I was listening to the music looking at my friend who was watching me as I exhaled after holding a rather monster hit in for some time... The second the last bits of smoke left my lungs so did my consciousness leave my body. I was no longer in my basement. I was a child living in the country, I watched my life as I grew up working on the farm, living, falling in love. I lived a lifetime. I can still see years worth of events in my mental recall of the situation (in actuality I was not present for aprox 4 minutes according to my friend).

Apparently I had started to move involuntarily and my friend came to make sure I was ok by hugging me -- what happens next is a direct result to physical interaction. As he hugged me in this universe It pulled me until I was confined to a blade of grass in the reality I was in, the life I knew was pulled away and I shrank to a piece of grass about to be mowed. Every blade of grass was another consciousness and we were all waiting our fate -- millions dying all the time, but there was peace there too because it was our purpose to die, to make something new and better for someone else. As the mower ate me up (a very frightening portion of the trip) I was pulled back to this reality, very afraid. I felt like I had lived a lifetime away from this body and it wasn't mine anymore... It took me another 15 minutes to regain my composure.

I took 1 more large hit that night with a similar affect (different setting as I did it unstimulated by music this time). Again I experienced an entire lifetime in about 4 or 5 minutes and was pulled back to 'reality' a similar way. The 3rd time I packed a smaller bowl because I was intent upon controlling this strange new substance.

I was able to accomplish this with a small hit. I had the same sensation of being ripped away from my body (always being pulled to the left). But I focused my thoughts on controlling the energy of this, bringing it to my core and holding it not letting it rip me away. I was able to do this (a constant struggle) and finally wrapped it all together bringing a merge of energy of the two realities. Though mentally strained I was empowered and sank to my introspective thoughts of self improvement.

Salvia Divinorum 'pulled' me from one reality to the next -- literally
Fighting this pull was very very difficult
Salvia Divinorum (for me) 'tasted' like the early 80's near childbirth, and almost tasted in essence like a re-birth
I lived multiple lives that night - entire lives, making me appreciate the glory and wonder of mine much more.
Its terrifying -- Its wonderful, but the terror of being pulled from one reality to another is undescribable... The mind has a pre-dispositioned fear of dying and fights this as one dies from one to the other.
I touched insanity when I died -- for a brief moment I existed between both realities unknown if I would come back...

Overall I don't feel empowered now, nor feel that this experience gave me any greater insight
Overall I don't feel empowered now, nor feel that this experience gave me any greater insight
then I already had. However it actually took me to the places I believed to exist which is unique to Salvia Divinorum. With other things, I may see or see evidence of, but not live. Salvia, I live. I feel a deeper capacity of understanding and loving (as I loved 2 women for a lifetime each).

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72997
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2020Views: 668
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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