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Comes Naturally
Citation:   karmen17. "Comes Naturally: An Experience with LSD (exp73064)". Mar 30, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD
  T+ 0:29 1 hit oral LSD
I was chilling with my friends when I was given LSD for the first time, I was kind of nervous to try it. I've had bad anxiety with a lot of drugs in the past. I took my hit and looked at the clock which read the time as 8:16. Feeling nothing at 8:45 I decide to take my other hit I had boughten.

By 9:00 I was coming up. I felt stimulated and paranoid. I started to move around a lot. I wasn't sure how to calm myself down, not being in the right state of mind and all. All my friends were tripping at the time. I look over to my best friend and the more I looked at her I started to observe her face. Her face started to become slowly distorted as I watched her eat a fish. Which actually wasn't there. After a while I started to feel unsatisfied and uncomfortable so I went on my quest to find a bed throughout the place. Forgetting where I was every other step I watched my feet fold out in front of me, wide mouthed and slid onto the ground where I found myself feeling noxious and anxious. I kept telling my friends I didn't like the feeling. I start to look around, but I didn't know what exactly I was looking for. Before I knew it I was outside the place, wondering how to get back in. Instead of trying to open the door and walk in I walk to the store hoping maybe i'll find what im looking for, when there wasn't any specific thing. I walk into the store and the bright lights turn on all my senses as I walk through, I keep seeing things fall from shelves. Thinking I was the one that pushed all those items off I look towards the ground hoping to pick them up without the man behind the counter noticing. I was shaking, or thought I was when he came up to me and asked what I was doing. 'Just picking up something I dropped' I replied I looked at the ground saw nothing had fallen in this first place and I could have sworn I was just talking to that man across the store, but as I looked up he was behind the counter, not in front of me. I wasn't sure if I had actually just spoken to him or myself. No question about it I walk towards the door in a rush. I soon found myself behind to convenient store and closed my eyes.

My friends found me later around 2 am, I had been enjoying my closed eye visuals for the past 4 hours. What a trip.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73064
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2020Views: 742
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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