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Cacti - T. pachanoi & Intense Exercise
Citation:   The Teej. "Mescalade: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Intense Exercise (exp73205)". Nov 4, 2015.

180 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (fresh)
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!

fasted before hand

Mescaline is now my first and only love. I sliced the cactus into manageable slices (pickle spear sized) and let them age in a plastic baggie for a day. I mixed the edible portions (everything but the cuticle and the internal stalk) with a full cup of lemon juice and 2 cups of sugar. I then blended until it was a manageable consistency (2 minutes or so). The resulting mixture was then consumed over a one-hour duration.

Immediately I felt some effects. This may have been an initial sugar rush, as I am not used to that much sugar at one time. About 45 minutes after the midpoint consumption time I began feeling true effects. Edges were distorted and I felt less connection to my body as well as a tickly sensation in my arms hands and fingers. A short while later (30 minutes or so) I began feeling colors. This is hard to describe but specific colors like grass green made me feel good and bright colors like oranges and reds and yellows were mesmerizing. Blues and greens in the same object were good. I don’t know how else to explain this. They just were likable.

Two hours after the midpoint of the ingestion I went for a vigorous run in an attempt to find my spirit animal (it is important to note that the trip was very malleable and I could direct it in a direction I so desired). I chased a spirit fox along the street, which felt like I was running along a snake pushing me in my direction. Sometimes the fox would disappear if I wasn’t focused on catching it, but I could easily find it when I started looking for it again. I ran three and a half miles in under 25 minutes which is very good considering my athletic ability, having not stretched, and that I had had nothing to eat all day except the mescalade.

After the run was over I lay down on the road and stared at the beautiful blue sky and green trees and white clouds. The fox was evidently clear in the sky. After standing up I looked down and clearly saw that my sweat print was a scorpion. The scorpion definitely was breathing, but not moving. It had three dimensional shape as well.

After returning inside I made a feast. I had a sandwich on pumpernickel bread. In the sandwich I had yellow tomatoes, red bell peppers, Colby jack cheese and bacon. I chose these condiments by laying an assortment of various types of bread and condiments down and choosing the things that looked the best feeling (again, difficult to explain). All colors seemed vibrant and seemed to invoke emotion surrounding them. About an hour after consuming the meal (4 hours or so from the beginning of the effects) the emotions surrounding the colors slowly dissipated and I was left with only the tickly feeling in my extremities and colors seeming brighter. After 2 or three hours the colors slowly became more normal although never going back to their original dullness. This trip was most comparable to 2C-T-2 except people didn’t look as distorted, while plants did and I saw things that weren’t there. I have tried nutmeg (never ever try), robo (dxm), and 2C-T-2 so I don’t know if there is anything out there closer to compare it to.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73205
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2015Views: 2,431
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Fasting (178), Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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