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Impressive Brain Sensation/Memory
by x9
Citation:   x9. "Impressive Brain Sensation/Memory: An Experience with Piracetam (exp73251)". Mar 23, 2012.

  oral Piracetam (daily)
The piractam makes the weirdest brain sensation, and impressive memory recalls.

(August 07)
4 days after I started taking it I went to a drive up place to get oil changed and walked to the counter. I sign the papers sit down to wait 2-3 mins and the guy asks: 'oh, oops, what is your mileage?' I stop and squint for a moment (Note: I did not attempt to memorize the mileage, but I did glance at it for a fraction of a second while driving) I then recall the mileage similar to photographic memory but instead my mind actually travels back to the moment in time where I glanced at the mileage, recalls the digits as my mouth speaks out the words. It's a weird sensation. Sort of out-of-body only while in my body. I call it 'videographic memory' or 'cinemagraphic memory' or 'memory explosion'.

Lately that doesn't happen except once in a rare while, but I believe It probably still happens and I've stopped noticing it. Or it's more consistent in enhancing minor memories rather then sudden large explosive time-travel style memories.

I feel kinda 'not awake' and 'not as smart' when I stop it. Stuff's cheap so why stop it. A Kilo is $40, lasts 1+ year.

[Reported Dose: '1.5-2.5 grams daily once or twice a day']

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 73251
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 23, 2012Views: 5,583
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Piracetam (95) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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