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Rolling On Maseratis
Citation:   RaoulDuke. "Rolling On Maseratis: An Experience with MDMA (exp73358)". Nov 20, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 1 hit oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:45 .5 hits oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:30 .5 hits oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:30 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I'll start off with a little background about myself, I'm a 21 year old healthy male. My previous experience includes daily cannabis use, I've done mushrooms twice, LSD once, DXM twice, and what was supposed to be MDMA once before (it didn’t really count in my mind as I had obtained some tablets that were garbage only lasting about 30 min and just leaving me with an “amphetamine tension” thereafter), and experimentation with a myriad of pharmaceuticals.

The event had been planned out well in advance as we were going to see the “king of trance”, Tiesto. I was stoked as he only does a handful of shows in the U.S. Every year and one of those locations was my city. The concert was to take place at a fairly upscale club in the downtown of our city. Being sort an experienced psychonaut and having read all there is to know about a vast number of psychedelic substances. I wanted to have the best experience for myself and my partner in “mind expansion research”, the Dr. Gonzo to my Raoul Duke, we’ll call him M. I had acquired a hook up of some supposed high quality tablets of MDMA that were known around here as “orange maseratis”, as they were orange and had the Maserati symbol (a trident) stamped on them. We were going to be going with some female companions, we’ll call them J and L. I had advised everyone to, that morning, start drinking plenty of water and gave them one multivitamin and one 100mg 5-HTP capsule to be taken that morning.

The time came for us to leave so M and I went thru our usual ritual and blew a couple bowls of some cannabis (nothing but that hi-grade hydro green-green of course!). After this we set out to meet up with the girls, we met up and drove to the location, seeing a good crowd I was stoked to be in the traditional “rave” atmosphere.

We parked the car and we all popped one of the orange maseratis each, I had one tablet left for a boost for M and I. We got to the club and the line was around the corner, we waited in line for approximately 10min until someone told us we didn’t have to wait as we had already purchased out tickets online. M and I had “general admission” tickets and J and L had “VIP” tickets, so being stoked we decided to go in through the “VIP” entrance right behind J and L. The doorman had his eyes all over J and L and M and I slid right past him and into the “VIP” area, we were super stoked as we had just saved about $30 since we had just regular tickets.

It was approximately 10pm when we entered and started walking around to gain perspective on our surroundings and to find a place to post up. I was at the bar asking for a cup of water as I felt the first effects I just felt light and ethereal, it kinda felt like I was in a negative pressure environment. Just then M came up behind me and handed me a bottled water and I felt this sensation of pure euphoria radiate from my Mesencephalon all the way down to the distal end of my spinal cord and subsequently out through the accessory nerves and sympathetic ganglia. I knew this was gonna be good night. Just as Tiesto was being introduced it hit me in full force as M and I were in the crowd throwing up our hands to welcome Tiesto, everything felt so good, I felt good to throw my hands up and just move and dance around. I don’t really know how long we were there watching before we went back to the couches where J and L were clearly feeling it and probably a lot harder as they only weight about 110-115lbs each. I talked to J and asked her if she was ok and she said “yea dude” I could tell by the look on her face she was peachy keen.

After cooling off (as it was really hot in the main room) M and I returned to the main room and started dancing around and jamming to Tiesto (I love his music, I feel like it speaks to my soul!). Just then this guy wearing a hat that looked like the “Mad Hatters” hat from Alice in Wonderland approached us and he had a glove on one hand that had different colored lights on each finger and on the other a glove that had small vibrating squares down the entire palmer surface of the hand. He then rubbed up and down my back with the vibrating one and held the one with lights in front of my face and moved his fingers. Normally this would been weird for me (a random dude putting his hands on me) but under the empathogenic effects of the gift from Dr. Shulgin, I didn’t care, the sensation was extremely pleasant.

After dancing around for a while we again returned to the couches where I sat on one arms outstretched with the A/C blowing on me (I was drenched in sweat) I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and let it out. This was one of the most pleasurable sensations I have ever felt, it felt exactly like the moments after a great orgasm, I was just enthralled by the experience and the deluge of pleasurable sensations, it was clear that these were some clean rolls (very little amphetamine cut if any). I looked at J and L and they too had similar orgasmic looks on their faces, I talked to J for a bit, I don’t remember exactly what was said but I assume it was along the lines of how good we felt, M was sitting next to me and we too started talking and he told me he didn’t want the feeling to end (as I had told him he’d be saying that since this was to be his first MDMA experience). It was incredible I felt so in tune and connected to everyone I talked to. I started talking to some random people that were sitting next to us and they became our “single serving friends” they too had popped some of the maseratis and were in similar ecstatic mind frames. However one of the people they were with didn’t look so good and being fairly well versed in the effects of MDMA and being a nursing student asked him if he was alright. He replied yes but his face told a different story, I asked him how much he took and he said that he had popped THREE of the maseratis, judging from my level of glorious intoxication I knew that this guy was out to lunch. He looked flushed and had this blank/focused look on his face, I told him I was a nurse (in an effort to make him feel better) and to just relax and I gave him my full water bottle which he promptly downed, M then gave him his which he also downed. He looked like he desperately needed hydration so M gave him his bottle and got another one, a little while later he looked better and seemed to be enjoying himself which gave me a great sense of accomplishment as I had just helped a person in need.

At this time M and I had conversed and decided we had better each pop another half (approximately T: +1hrs45min) we went to the restroom and did just that. We again resumed dancing and walking around enjoying this experience of pure sensory bliss, I felt that rush of pure euphoria again and I swear I could feel it through every nerve in my body, it was absolutely amazing I felt so connected and in tune (those are the only words I can think of to describe it). We then went back to the couches where J and L were still there looking like they had melted into the couch, still with the orgasmic looks on their faces. We talked to our “single serving friend” and M asked him if he knew where to get another pill to which he replied “for sure!” I gave M a 20 and off he went to purchase another tablet of pure chemical bliss. He returned and it ended up being another orange maserati! I was hyped, immediately we returned to the bathroom and popped another half each (approximately T:+2hrs30min) . We then went with our new friend out to the patio to smoke a cigarette which was amazing, I felt just so incredibly great (I'm sorry I cant be more specific, psychedelics are subjective ;-) ) We returned to the inside and listened to Tiesto finish up his set, it was the perfect time and place to indulge in MDMA, the lights, the music, the people, all of it perfect. After a while it became time to leave ( at about 3am) so we all left the club and the walk back to the car was interesting the orange glow of the sodium vapor lamps of the street had a beautiful glow to them and everything appeared to be in high definition, as I was walking I felt like I was the Man Of Steel and could do anything, it was great. I got a tad paranoid as we walked past a few police officers and saw a person getting the 3rd degree from one on the top level of the parking structure where we had parked our car, but this subsided after we left. M, J, and I piled into M’s car (L rode with someone else) and proceeded to drive to drop J off and back to my pad to smoke some more of that hydro green-green. We were still somewhat rollin but composed enough to drive, I made sure of it.

In conclusion this was the perfect MDMA experience in my mind and I had a hell of a time, as did everyone else. We really enjoyed seeing one of our favorite artist in the mind set that trance was made to be listened to in. I've had nothing but positive enlightening and uplifting experiences with this substance, but I remember to treat all psychedelics with great respect they are powerful tools that can be great if used properly (in other words use, don’t ab-use). All I have to say is thank you Dr. Shulgin, if it weren’t for him we would not have this wonderful chemical.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73358
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 20, 2017Views: 1,767
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MDMA (3) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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