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Very Giggly and Energized
Citation:   jpkirk. "Very Giggly and Energized: An Experience with Pituri (exp73396)". Nov 8, 2011.

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4 flowers oral Pituri (tea)
M family and I went to Albuquerque New Mexico to visit our grandparents. While we were there I found wild lettuce, opium poppies, morning glories, and best of all pituri.

so I picked some of the pituri out of a dessert like field, took it back to the house, and made it into a tea and I drank it at 9:00 pm.
9:30 some effects nothing much
10:00 very giggly and energized
11:00 I just started tripping I can see all kinds of amazing colors in the darkness
12:00 I blacked out for like 20 mins
1:00 finally get to bed and have amazing dreams I that I cant remember
In summary pituri is awsome

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73396
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 8, 2011Views: 3,619
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Pituri (549) : Unknown Context (20), Glowing Experiences (4)

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