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Best Runy Nose Ever
MDMA & Ketamine
Citation:   Raven. "Best Runy Nose Ever: An Experience with MDMA & Ketamine (exp73434)". Nov 22, 2017.

T+ 0:00
50 mg   MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:25 1 bump insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:25 50 bumps   MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:40 2 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:55 1 bump insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:55 70 mg   MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 3 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Drug: Ketamine+MDMA
Dose: Roughly 150/160MG of ketamine and around 170MG of MDMA
M.O.A: Insuffation
Duration: Entire trip, near 6 hours, this report, around 5 hours 30 minutes

Background: Done both of these drugs before, ketamine more recently.
I don't do either regularly particularly but I definitely enjoy them both.


Calling it 11.00 PM

T + 0.00 - Ingested roughly 0.05G or 50mg of MDMA.

Clear Crystal, high quality, had to be crushed down. No Ketamine yet, waiting for a little bit to get a small come up. Ketamine was in clear shards but both ket and MDMA been crushed into a powder. Both from a CLOSE friend who recently started dealing them.

Feeling a nice buzz from the MDMA, about to do a small bump of ket and take another 50MG of mdma. Oh how it burns.

T+ 0.40
Did a couple bumps of ket and the extra 50 mg of mdma. So thats 100mg of mdma and around 70mg of ketamine. I'm pretty far gone. In 40 minutes the world has slightly distorted into new patterns. But I love it :D

Will type more soon.

Just cut up some MDMA+KET
This, when finished, will dose me at around 150MG of mdma and 150MG of ketamine or around.

ATM I'm tripping quite hard, it's lovely though. Things are moving but I'm one with them :) Can't wait until about half past midnight, I'll be gone! LOL

T+ 1.00
Things are kinda spinning... It's rather cool... Visualizers rule. Damn I'm rather horny >.< Still got MDMA+Ket left :D

T + 1:15
Damn I'm tripping something hard. It's awesome. I'm swaying... Lolol nose is dripping.. Snorting these 2 hurts! I'm off my face, no eyes, just pupils... I can see about 2 or possibly 3 of everything and when I move my head the trails are insane :D


God damn this is fun LOL! Bright lights in my room rule. Music is in my head.

Some VERY good MDMA. Trails are insane.. Very bad trails :D I totally feel buzzed an loved. Standing up is fucking difficult though.,,


T + 2:00
Wearing off slightly, MD still strong, ket dying away. Insane trip, enjoying the MD buzz for now.... Gonna take a few ket bumps and wander around outside for a bit, will possibly be back later, if not will type it up tommoz

T+ 2.48 or something
Purely MD now, I ended up doin ket in my garden and wanderin round in the grass barefoot LOL. Gonna go now, kittyflip is over.

Basic feelings were happiness, urgency, honesty, distortions of reality both in the mind and halluciongenic, slight dissasociation ofc, and the feeling of general loss of all motor instincts.

Fun shit :)

--Portion of report below was written the morning after from a notepad of notes.--

About T+3:30
Finished the K dose allowing me to be on the brink of K-hole [around 150/160MG] the little lights in my room are getting brighter and larger... It was VERY difficult to get to bed... Luckily there is no stairs/ladders between my PC chair and my bed..[dunno why I wrote that]. Fell over twice walking about 10 steps... In pitch black, the lights are awesome though.. And that clock is just cool.

Crashing out, my bed feels so nice... Like silk.. It's so soft :) I love it :D Not gonna do anymore, gonna just fall asleep... So happy.. ;D

Ok falling asleep failed, so now I'm eating peanut M&Ms...They crunch.. Feels cool.. Sounds better :D I'm quite tired, hope I fall asleep soon go work tomorrow...

I fell asleep around T+ 5:30

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73434
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2017Views: 1,933
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Ketamine (31), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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