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Deja Vu
Citation:   Andrew Cross. "Deja Vu: An Experience with Cannabis (exp73456)". Mar 12, 2020.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
I have had experiences with cannabis many times before but this one had hit me really hard. Me and a couple of friends had just finished skateboarding pretty much all day and we decided to go to my friend Daves house and smoke a couple of joints.

We get there and Dave rolls 2 joints up to divide between 6 of us. We all just blazed and watched skate videos, I was hitting the joint really hard because I had been waiting for this part of the day.
I was hitting the joint really hard because I had been waiting for this part of the day.
I smoked half of one joint and a bit more of the other one. I was starting to feel the effects a bit after.

This wasn't a normal trip like I had been expecting. I was starting to feel anxious, paranoid and I was having extreme deja vu, after every couple of sentences it felt like my friends were repeating what they had said just a few seconds ago. I tried to tell myself that it was just a bad trip but all I could focus on was the words my friends were saying, I had convinced myself that they were repeating their sentences on purpose as a type of sick joke to be played against me.

I finally cracked and said I had to go outside. My friends words were still ringing in my head as Dave walked me out stairs to the porch, I told him that my heart was racing extremely fast and that the other guys were saying stuff over and over. He then says to me 'Bro, It wasn't laced.' Which is not what I wanted to hear because that got me thinking that it was in fact laced because I was feeling extremely paranoid. He kept telling me that he was going to go inside and I kept telling him to stay because I was completely terrified of staying outside alone (it was around 11:30 PM at the time).

I decided to go back in and try to relax, my heart was still beating so fast I thought I was going to die. I was also having a tiny pinch in my chest, I thought to myself that I was indeed going to die from something in the damn weed I had smoked. At that moment I hated Dave, I had convinced myself that he had laced it with something that caused my to react this way.

I tried to calm down, I thought of skateboarding which I absolutely love and I got lost in it and when I finally awoke from the 'dream' I noticed my heart was beating significantly slower. But of course since I noticed it my heart once again stated racing. I dived into thoughts of skateboarding and life in general and softly drifted off to sleep and was awaken by my friends a bit later. I felt alot better after that, the high was wearing off and I was relieved and realized it was just a bad trip.

It's been about 2 months since this experience and I haven't smoked weed again yet but I will, just not as hard this time.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73456
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2020Views: 619
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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