Reality Being Pulled Into Nothingness
Salvia divinorum (40x extract)
Citation:   escher. "Reality Being Pulled Into Nothingness: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (40x extract) (exp73550)". May 22, 2020.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
This was the first time I ever did salvia, and after watching my friend freak out on it, I was quite nervous. We drove over to my grandmother’s house with his hookah and went down to the basement. As we were setting up the hookah, my grandmother walked downstairs with it sitting on the table and asked if we were smoking pot and we told her that we were not, so she simply walked back upstairs without question (surprisingly). But the incident put me in a flustered mindset. The room I did it in has a dark color scheme and I believe it aided in the outcome of my trip

We had to put aluminum foil over the bowl of the hookah to keep the salvia from pulling through, but the foil got clogged up and I didn’t get anything off the hit. He made a few adjustments, and loaded the bowl up again. I sat down and I took another hit, with much more vivid results. I held it in for about 10 seconds, and not feeling anything, I started thinking that salvia wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. After a few more seconds I was proved wrong. Still holding the hit in, I started to feel like my entire body was a metal stick that was being bent. The abruptness of this feeling was rather shocking and I blew the smoke out saying repetitively “what the hell?” to my friend. Knowing that I must be seeing or feeling some crazy shit, he started to laugh at me. Under the influence of salvia, his laugh sounded very threatening. I started to feel like there were sharp pressures poking me all over my body. Then the visuals started. As I moved my eyes and head around, the images of different objects started to overlap each other, like a frozen computer.

I was pretty freaked out by this point, and my panic started by the initial effects really sent me into a bad trip. At this point, it was as if the entire universe and reality became a single liquidly plasma. When I saw my friend I had no idea who he was as he laughed at me again, and I thought he was trying to make me merge into this one substance everything else in the universe became part of. For some reason, this was bad to me. And his laughter sent the message, “You’re fucked now, just accept it”. Towards the end of the trip, I started to merge in with the substance the was the universe and I could recollect small parts of my life and think that it was incredibly shitty that it was all being sucked out of existence.

While all this was happening, I felt forces pulling me across the room (even though I didn’t know that I was in a room). This frightened me quite a bit and a started yelling “what the fuck”, or at least tried to, I was told earlier that it wasn’t very clear what I was saying at all.

Towards the end of my trip, I began to get my bearings on reality. This for a few moments was scarier because I knew somewhat who I was, but didn’t realize that my identity wasn’t being dissipated into a void of nothing. A few seconds go by, and It was like waking up from a bad dream, or getting out of a situation with someone pointing a gun at you. I was in shock for a few moments, I couldn’t talk. I knew words I wanted to use, but could not form them. At this point, It was like having two realities. One, I was coming down from a really bad trip, and two, everything I was experiencing was real and I had some serious problems. As I regained the ability to talk again, I realized what was going on and that I was fine, but still very disturbed by the whole experience. I smoked I cigarette to relax a bit and calm down. And within 10 minutes I was fine.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73550
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 22, 2020Views: 526
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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