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I'd Rather be Hit in the Head With a Hammer
Citation:   Wilbur Winkler. "I'd Rather be Hit in the Head With a Hammer: An Experience with Methadone (exp7362)". Oct 29, 2001.

  oral Methadone (liquid)
A friend of mine returned from Vietnam in 1972 addicted to heroin so he went on the Methadone program. Every day he would go to some government building and they'd give him a little dixie cup filled with what looked like green Kool-Aid but was actually Methadone. It is worth noting that the dose he took did absolutely nothing to him as far as making him high. It basically kept him normal.....without it he would go through bad withdrawal symptoms.

One day he asked if I'd like to split his daily dose with him. Always eager to travel new roads to MindFuckVille I thought it was a great idea. But since I was only going to take half of an amount that he couldn't even feel, I wasn't expecting anything more than a mild buzz, if that.

GUESS AGAIN! Are you familiar with that sickening whirly sensation that you sometimes get in bed after a night of drinking and smoking dope? Well, within 30 minutes of drinking that 1/2 dose of Methadone I plunged into that whirly nightmare and remained there in stupefied vomiting agony for THE NEXT 40 HOURS!!! It was the longest and most unpleasant drug experience I've ever had.

Exp Year: 1972ExpID: 7362
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2001Views: 53,341
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Methadone (166) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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