A Chat With Timothy Leary
Citation:   madhatter. "A Chat With Timothy Leary: An Experience with LSD (exp73720)". Erowid.org. Jan 16, 2020. erowid.org/exp/73720

2 hits oral 1B-LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
It wasn't until this summer, the summer after my freshman year of college, that I experienced a psychedelic drug. I am very experienced with marijuana and cocaine, and I had taken ecstasy once. I had tripped on DXM (Coricidin Cough & Cold) twice before, with the first time being a pleasant little ride and the second being an insane but awesome trip. But the idea of psychoactive drugs and psychonauts fascinates me, so I wanted something more.

A friend obtained 2 hits of acid for me. I knew I was finally in the right stage of my life to take it and not lose my mind, so I decided that I had to do it soon, otherwise I probably wouldn't do it. So I went to her house one Thursday night, took 2 hits, and told her I'd see her (in a mental sense) later. I was the only one on any kind of drug.

It wasn't long at all before I felt a slight buzz. I started to get a little confused. My friend (we'll call her R) turned off all the lights and put in the movie 'Across the Universe.' The movie is tripped out by itself, but under the influence was the most beautiful and fascinating thing I had ever seen. I didn't watch all of it intently, because I was also busy clawing at the carpet and having pleasant conversation with R and chain smoking cigarettes, but I saw beautiful colors spilling out of the TV screen onto the carpet, like paint spilling out of a can.

Then I laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling. This incredible and indescribable buzz rolled through me in waves like orgasms over and over again. I could not stop smiling. I felt like I was healing myself of all the emotional trauma I had ever been through.
I could not stop smiling. I felt like I was healing myself of all the emotional trauma I had ever been through.
R asked me what I was thinking, and I told her I was having a chat with Timothy Leary.

I looked at a coat rack covered with purses, and the purses turned into wax dripping onto the floor. A tapestry of elephants hanging on the wall started flowing in the nonexistent breeze, and the tribal elephants started dancing around in circles. They were happy little elephants.

I sat up to light another cigarette. By this time, the room was completely dark except for a lit candle. I fumbled for my lighter in the dark and flicked the switch, and a spark left this incredible glowing trail in the darkness. I kept flicking on my lighter over and over again before lighting my cigarette, and then waving the cigarette around to see the trailing light of the burning end.

R left the room for a moment to go get a snack and a beer. I saw a stuffed sock monkey laying on the floor, and it totally creeped me out, so I quit looking at it. I then fumbled for my cell phone laying on the floor. The glowing buttons were swaying all over the place and it took me forever to find the number of a radio station which I thought would let me speak with Timothy Leary. Go figure. The phone rang and rang into a dark and endless abyss, and I knew he was probably tripping balls over on the Other Side.

So I said, out loud, 'thank you, Timothy Leary' (as you can see, I am fascinated with him) and at the very moment his name came out of my mouth, a gnat started buzzing by my ear. Then I stared at the ceiling, and I was suddenly inside a glowing neon blue line that was smaller than a needle. But I was inside it. I turned my head to the right and saw a wall of glowing neon green, and that was The Known. I slowly turned my head to the left and saw a wall of glowing neon yellow, which was The Unknown. I jumped out of the blue line and buried myself in it, swirling and dancing in The Other Side.

R came back and I got up to use the restroom. Walking was pretty difficult, but not impossible. I used the restroom and washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. I suddenly felt every speck of dirty and dust and germ on my body. Blemishes and pores on my face looked grotesque, and my pupils were overtaking my entire eyes. I looked creepy as hell, and I knew that if I looked at myself any longer, I would freak out, so I left and laid back down on the floor.

The rest of the time (I have no recollection of how many hours this all took place) was spent of me laying on floor, smoking cigs, talking to R, and pondering life and existence and thinking of some of the most mind boggling things imaginable, but I cannot remember them now. I remembered memories from childhood. I walked down hallways with millions of sparkling crystal chandeliers. I eventually fell asleep around 9 AM, about 9 hours after I had taken the acid, and I had really pleasant dreams. I woke up about 2 hours later, feeling like I had traveled eternity that night.

The experience is something I still think about quite often. I did travel to grand places. I know nothing can top this first experience, but I cannot wait to try it again.

Thank you, Timothy Leary.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73720
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 16, 2020Views: 726
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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