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Don't Turn the Lights On!
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   Wall Pusher. "Don't Turn the Lights On!: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp73754)". Jul 21, 2021.

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:06 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:35 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:29 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I wrote this report last night, in the basement of my parents house. I normally party all the time, but I have been sober for the last 6 months and was really excited to take a trip to 'the other side'. I have taken Ambien more than a hundred times, but it has been about 3 years since I last had a prescription. But now I have a full bottle with my name on it to enjoy!

I had forgot 90% of what happened by this morning.
I had forgot 90% of what happened by this morning.
Now that I read the report, I remember everything mentioned, but very little beyond. I was confused to see a spray bottle and a paper towel roll in my room that apparently appeared from nowhere. I was also alarmed to discover that I had taken 40mg, when my original intention was to only have 20mg. I checked my chat logs, and apparently I talked to my ex-boyfriend on Yahoo I'm and the first thing I told him was that I had just snorted 4 pills and was looking at porno! He is a somewhat religious type and doesn't approve of drug use or porn, and he laughed at me a lot.

One thing to note, I spend a lot of time properly preparing Ambien for snorting. It has an anti-abuse coating that makes snorting it more painful than it normally is without. I carefully use a razor to peel each pill like a potato before crushing.
I carefully use a razor to peel each pill like a potato before crushing.
I use an african prayer scroll holder, which has a smooth and rounded metal cap to mortar and pestle the pill on a glass picture frame. After that I will use a razor blade and finely chop the remaining powder to sort out any missed big chunks or coating. It is a labor or love.

No grammar or spelling edits made to the below. This was written while on Ambien and timed with a stopwatch.

T+0:00: First line is prepared and ready for insufflation.

T+0:03: First line in. I am waiting for it to process in a little, before I start next line. It burns at first, but I don't mind it.

T+0:06: the second one is done, yet still processing.

T+0:07: I can already tell that I am under the effects of the Ambien. Typing this up is a little confusing to do at the same time as having an Ambien drip. I will have some grape soda.

T+0:09: After trying to settle on some music, I decide Fever by Peggy Lee will work. It is very difficult to type. I dont want to type, I want to dance.

T+0:20: I am deciding that the effects are definitely present, but that I want more from this trip tonight. So I am going to start working on a third pill to snort

T+0:31: Finished preparing 3rd line for insufflation. Will commence insufflating shortly. I am still feeling a bit dodgy and a little confused. I feel like I want to suddenly look in different directions, not sure for any reason to see something there or not.

T+0:35: I finished insufflating the third pill. And I also put away all my tools I use for crushing and snorting.

T+0:39: later I am still feeling some burning sensations from the last piss (should be pill)...I need more grape soda to wash down the taste I have in my mouth. Its not just a bad burns a little.

T+0:45: I danced around a slightly dark room a little bit, and then shut myself into a walk in closet, with no lights on. Things were confusing in there, and it seemed I could see shadows moving, that were not in fact there.

T+0:48: I decided to get a spray bottle, and some paper towels. I believe some Ambien has been lost in clogs in the nasal passages.

T:0:52: Spray bottle cleansing of the nose holes seems to be a success.

T:0:59: I went and pushed the walls around with my hands. It seemed pretty easy to push them, I should push them in, flatten them out. Then I went into the closet with no light on... and it seemed like there were 3 people laying on the ground, moving only a little. I tried to talk to them but I had no response.
Then I went into the closet with no light on... and it seemed like there were 3 people laying on the ground, moving only a little. I tried to talk to them but I had no response.
I made a fake movement as if I would turn on the light, and the beings seemed to respond negatively to that idea because they jumped. I eventually left the closet so I could wright this down. And now I am strongly considering taking another.....

T:1:07: A Victory dance because I have used ninja powers to acquire another grape soda, which is needed for adding in Ambien #4! Let the Prep begin!

T:1:23: A new pill #4 if I am correct has been prepared, and will be insufflated shortly.

T:1:29: 4th pill has now been snorted. I will wait a while and relax and see what happened.

T:1:41: I think I am ending the survey now. Was just listening to music, and nothing very special is happening so far.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73754
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2021Views: 981
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Alone (16)

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