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A Fake Life
Salvia divinorum (40x extract)
Citation:   oliwog. "A Fake Life: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (40x extract) (exp73758)". Jun 24, 2020.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
This was the second or third time I'd done within the space of a few days and the only time I can really remember what it was a about, and it was only until my partner described the exact same experience that I was able to word it...

I wouldnt say it was exactly a fun trip although I look back on it and laugh the main experience and thoughts and visions that were percieved to me were that my whole life wasnt real, it was all fake and in actual fact I was not a human being, I was part a atom or molecule of my sofa and everything that I knew in life was not real it was just a lie to me to keep me a part of the sofa. At this point I could hear a echoing faint female voice(s) saying that I could not go back and that this was my life now and always has been a part of the sofa etc.

It was really quit strange it actually felt real and I could feel myself trying to escape from the sofa, I did actually feel my arms moving and like I was really having this force sucking me back in to it and I was struggling to get back. (it also felt like I was tiny like a lil molecule or single cell thing) As I tried harder an harder I could feel myself slowly escaping the sofas grasp an the voices slowly dissapeared. It was really messed up.

But whats even stranger is that me and my partner at the same time (one after the other) experienced the exact same trip down to the very last vision and voice. I didnt even find out about this experience of hers as I only discussed it properly with her last night which is about a month after taking it so the trips were no way influenced.

I had another one similar which was my first time where I done quit a big hit of 40x extract an I had an animation film on an the same thing happened but I thought I was this animation (the wild). I have a 40 inch hdtv so it was the biggest thing in the living room an quit bright at the time. It wasnt like I was a lion it was more like I was a CGI which was a bit nerve wrecking and I thought the tv was sucking back into this other dimension, I remember shouting 'no dont take me back'.

After all the experiences I've found it hard to even remember taking the salvia itself an its not till bout 5 minutes later it all comes back. Quite fun but a bit of a weird one. I'll do it again as its just a bit of a shock at first but I soon kinda get used to it. Sort of.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73758
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 635
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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