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Finally, Pain Relief...
Salvia divinorum
by Zab
Citation:   Zab. "Finally, Pain Relief...: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp73837)". Jan 25, 2020.

  smoked Salvia divinorum
My boyfriend and I tried Salvia a couple of years ago in order to achieve the disassociate hallucinations. Both of us have had some incredible and intense 10-minute experiences after smoking the 20x.

My boyfriend has been having extreme pain in his legs and calves for a while now. His pain is so serious that often he doesn’t think he is able to face moving. A hot bath is about all that relieves it, but only while in the tub. The doctors are minimally or not helpful at all. One doctor believes it is a spinal nerve issue, but until the MRI, we don’t really know. In the mean time, there is little relief for the pain. The doctors have stopped giving him typical painkillers because this has been going on for so long that they are afraid of opiate addiction in one as young and generally healthy as he is.

Desperate for anything that might be slightly helpful, we stumbled across information that Salvia has potential as a pain reliever, anti-depressant, etc. It seems that it works differently from any other substance or medication. So we, on a particularly pain-filled day, went to the closest head shop and bought regular dried salvia as well as the 40x.

Immediately after smoking the regular Salvia, we both felt light and things looked a little different, but neither of us fully hallucinated. He noticed a dramatic decrease in his leg pain and a calming effect. I felt the same calming. I have taken benzos and Xanax has an almost depressive calm. This did not feel that way. Everything felt normal, but I didn’t have any anxiety. This calm lasted all day and my boyfriend’s pain was diminished for more than 12 hours. He hurts, but he can get through the day without excruciating pain.

About 15 minutes afterwards, I felt a little nausea, but it disappeared in 10 to 20 minutes more. My boyfriend had the opposite effect; the Salvia calmed his stomach. Both of us had headaches beforehand and we noticed that the headache was diminished for a few minutes, but unfortunately the headaches returned. It is absolutely amazing the amount of pain relief salvia provided for my boyfriend’s leg pain. It seems like a miracle.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73837
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2020Views: 663
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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