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Citation:   Brazil. "Who-Oh...: An Experience with MDMA (exp73853)". Jul 15, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 0:00 0.5 tablets insufflated MDMA (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 4:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA  
It had everything to be a wonderful night. Everything. I was going to an awesome and private pystrance party in a incredible mansion in Rio, with some of my best friends from work. We were excited because we never did E together before, and to accomplish the scene, I was with this awesome girl I was dating.

Well, we started what we call here a 'pre-night' at her place, hearing music and drinking vodka, getting prepared for later. At this point, we sniffed half a tablet of E, what gave us a pretty nice high.

Something like, I don't know, 2 hours later, we had already arrived and established ourselves in the party. So we decided to take some more shit. My girlfriend took half of hers, but me and my friends took a whole pill each. Half an hour later, I began to get really high. Less than an hour after eating it, I felt I needed to rest, so we sit by the stairs and begin to talk, date, kiss, in an incredible good high. I was chewing a lot, but what an ecstasy that buzz was! I knew the effects were too strong, but you know what? It was just too good. Me and my friends were in an incredible good vibe. The girl I was dating became my girlfriend, everybody was very happy.

I noticed something wrong was happening when, suddenly, I threw up, and nothing but air came from my throat. I didn't tell anybody, but I got scared. Whatever, I kept dancing and partying.

Between two and three hours later, the they decided to take the other pill. I told them I was afraid I could get sick, but after some talk, they turned me to take half of my second pill (which makes a total of 2 pills, counting the one I had snorted previously). I did it.

And I began to feel the high coming back, like it was my first pill at the night. But that didn't last long, and I began to feel strangely weak and tired. I was losing control over my nervous system at the point my eyes couldn't stop moving, my jaws were clenching, and I was feeling really bad, like I never felt before.

I said people 'I'm sick, I'm sick', and we went to a quiet place on the party, that at this time (7 pm) was really crazy and out of control. I tried to hurl, but only air came out again, several times now, and I was really scared.

It's one of the worst sensations: I really thought I was gonna die. My facial muscles were hurting, and my eyes were REALLY hurting, and my friends and other people around were starting to get really worried. I felt dizzy. The worst thing is that they were all very high, so it was kind of crazy. This terrible condition lasted for 1 hour, probably.

They gave me water and something to eat, and I finally threw up. Some minutes later, I began to feel better, and my new girlfriend called a cab to pick us up. I was still pretty messed, but somehow I knew the worst part had passed.

We were waiting, everybody concerned, asking me how I was feeling, taking care. The problem was my skin looking freaking pale, with me having cold sweat and other symptoms of low pressure. The general impression, at this point was that my organism almost freaked out, but somehow was getting better.

The interesting thing at this point was that psychologically, despite the fear of really dying, paradoxically the sensation was of a very strong well-being. Pretty weird, but it's funny the fact of being happy all the time, even scared to death.

Now, when the cab arrived, I got up and began to walk towards the stairwell to the exit. But when I was walking, I started to feel a lot of energy inside, and by the time I was passing through the main dancing floor, with the music playing very loud, I was feeling 95%. I made a joke about staying for some more hours, but my girlfriend quickly convinced me about going home.

The only thing I have to say, in the end, is: getting sick with ecstasy is awful. Looks like you're gonna die, really.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73853
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2020Views: 593
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MDMA (3) : Large Group (10+) (19), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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