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Awesome Night in a Turbulent Time
Citation:   CentralFLTripper. "Awesome Night in a Turbulent Time: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp73871)". Jun 10, 2018.

30 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ok let me give you a little backround on my situation at the time of this trip. I had just met a new girl that I was enfatuated with and was staying with her at the time. In the course of the last couple weeks leading up to this, I had my doorkicked in and and was robbed for 5 figures because I was selling ALOT of dope in the ghetto and being a little white boy making a ton of money leads to trouble out there.

Ok so I head over to my buddy Rich's house which is about 5 minutes away form where I was staying. He had told me earlier in the day that a friend of his has aquired this substance I hadnt heard of before and said I should give it a shot. Always being down to try a new trip, I accept and trade a little weed for 30mg of the stuff. I mixed it in a little glass of lemonade and drank it down. While I was waiting for the trip to kick in, I proceded to roll up and smoke a couple blunts of some super good pot. Being that this was a couple years ago the time scale is kinda hazy for me, but about an hour or so after I took it, I remember walking outside because I thought I was going to puke, as I do that sometimes when I trip. I was right, but when I got done puking I got a euphoria I hadnt gotten from anything else, and the visuals seemed to come out of no where. I remember looking at the trees and this certain one looked like it was made of legos. I was feeling kind of uncomfortable at my buddies house because there were some people I didnt know there. So even though I shouldnt have, I decided to drive the 5 minutes home. I was driving down the road and it looked soooo wide, but I was driving perfectly fine. I got back to my girls place and felt extremely relieved. I told her I was tripping, and she hadnt ever tripped, which worried me at first. I was wrong though, and she was awesome with me. We lit some candles and layed down in her room and she just touched me and massaged me and we ended up having sex, which was absolutely incredible. Now at this point my euphoria is rivaling that of extacy. We just layed together touching and kissing and stuff for what seemed like a long long time. Now its about 3 am and I hear a knock at the door. Keep in mind I got my door kicked in across the st. And almost beaten to death 2 weeks before. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my pistol and ran to the door. It really freaked me out and the person on the other side was being mad shady and this basically killed my trip. After that happened I was so shaken up that I totally lost the trip and that was it.

I have to say I really liked this substance, and the visuals reminded me alot of mushrooms I've taken, but the body high, especially with a girl I loved enhancing it, was absolutely awesome. I very strongly think that she single handedly made my trip good. I havent done it since, but only because I havent come across it. I also woke up the next day after only about 5 hours of sleep feeling great, which was also a plus.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 73871
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2018Views: 1,101
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