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The Orbs of Deception
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   fallen98. "The Orbs of Deception: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp73948)". Oct 14, 2022.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
It all started out with 2 hits of blotter and a few close friends. J and I had decided to take acid that night at his house with our friends M, C, and W sitting. We were at J’s house with relatively no outside contact, which later disturbed me greatly. We ate the paper at about 9:20 PM.

T+0:00 J and I took our hits and sat down to watch a movie while we waited for the come up. As we felt the effects starting to come on, J and I were intensely speedy and had a hard time focusing on the movie. We decided to go outside and some a bit of sheesha in my friend’s hookah. We rolled a joint as the hookah hose went around in a circle, and that’s when the effects took place.

T+1:00 After the joint had been burnt to the ends, the world started to become frames. The frames reminded me from the art style of the movie A Scanner Darkly and how the faces and objects were always shifting and slightly off-center. The metal ceiling began to warp and ripple. My friends who could not indulge in the little white delights had decided to start drinking, which quickly escalated into a disturbing and odd situation.

T+1:30 We sat around the hookah for another bowl, and at this point, J is starting to get agitated by the complexity of the trip (it was his first one) and the rowdiness of our friends. Faces are becoming extremely warped at this point and always changing, which I cannot tell if its because they are intoxicated or just my vision. At this point patterns start appearing. The patterns started out as four simple triangles pointing into each other, and I saw these patterns appear on almost every surface I concentrated on including behind my eyelids. Our friend J2 stopped by to pick up a few things, and it was good to see him because he has had a lot of experiences with psychedelics. Although he only stayed briefly, he said he might stop by later which oddly never happened.

T+2:00 Our friends are beginning to become a bit more rowdy, and M decides to put in the RX Bandits in the stereo. At first the noise was uncomfortably loud, even outside the house, but the peak was approaching and I didn’t want to be around so many people in the humid weather. I walked inside and lied down in front of the TV that was music was playing in. I have never been a huge RX Bandits fan, but the CD caused my world to be turned to mush. As I stared at the TV and listened to the ska beats, the entire world started to shift in a circular warping pattern. Everything became nothing as the music drew me in.
As I stared at the TV and listened to the ska beats, the entire world started to shift in a circular warping pattern. Everything became nothing as the music drew me in.
The floor began to rise in almost a starfish-textured pattern as the music became more intense. After a few long minutes of absorption, I returned outside to the hookah table to share a bowl with my close friends out of my brand new piece, Nautilus.

T+2:30 Everything is changing. J’s bonsai tree is constantly shifting in what seems to be different stages of its life. After the bowl, I am starting to see intense tracers from movement and I put in my Ipod and listen to Botanical Dimensions by Shpongle. I have never heard a more beautiful musical group than Shpongle when in the altered states of mind. The tribal feel of the song adds an intense soundtrack to the chaos of intoxicated people trying to smoke and repack a hookah. Everything in moving, and nothing is the same.

T+3:00 When I walk inside I realize that the floor was not just decorated in the triangular patterns I had been seeing but the pattern almost showed four faces of lions pointing towards each other. We decide to put in The Labyrinth. J and I decide to sit the beginning out as he doesn’t feel like he could handle the intense intro. I walk upstairs with my Ipod in my ears and sit on my friend’s bed and put on Divine Moments of Truth by Shpongle. As the tribal beat flowed into my ears, I could feel the intensity of the instrumentals in every cell of my body. I started to rock with the beat in a swaying motion, and as I did so, the entire room went with me. His walls became warped as if I was rocking in the bottom of a huge parabola. Every second of the song, the warping became more and more intense. After the song was over I walked outside and sat at the top of the staircase. I listened to White Rabbit by Jefferson Starship Airplane (a song I never really cared for) until that night. I had read about Hunter S. Thompson’s account of the lawyer’s bad trip and his need to die at the peak of White Rabbit. After the song had finished and my world had settled down from the intense warping, I completely understood why the attorney needed that song and the effect it had on him.

T+3:30 J and I go up to his room and he puts on a song by Mogwai which is nothing but an intense crescendo. We stare a painting of the most beautiful, colorful landscape I have ever seen. As the song becomes more and more intense, the painting is growing and growing. By the end of the song, I felt like I was about to hit the painting with my face even though I had not moved the entire time. After the song finishes, J and I attempt to go downstairs and communicate with our friends and try to watch the movie.

T+4:00 The peak is certainly over at this point, but visual hallucinations are still most definitely present. J and I try to describe our experience for our rather intoxicated friends, but we find ourselves in an aura that does not allow us to convey our feelings to theirs. Everyone’s mind is somewhere else, and J and I are simply trying to keep everyone happy and create as little conflict as possible. We sit down to watch a bit of labyrinth which sends my visual hallucinations back into full gear with its absurd situations. After awhile I become distracted, and I go into the kitchen and talk to my friends M for a good bit.

T+5:00 At this point most of our friends are slowly drifting asleep, but there is something that disturbs me greatly. The entire night I had not left the house, and besides seeing J2, I had not had any contact with the outside world. I had been trying to get a hold of a good friend of mine through text messages, but she had already fallen asleep. It was very odd that she would not respond at the time, and this led me to believe that we were in a surreal reality that no one could get in or out; much like the auras we used to explain to our friends.

T+5:30 J and I put in the movie Brick in order to calm down and try and end this heinous night. Although visual hallucinations had calmed down a lot, the intensity of the acting and plot of Brick was by far one of the most emotional experiences of my life. Whenever the characters would find themselves in a heated argument, I felt my body being pressed into the ground as if I could physically feel their emotion. Everything about the movie was amazing and I truly realized how much of a work of art it really was.

T+7:00 After the movie ended, I was physically exhausted by the intense movie and just wanted to go to sleep. This does not mark the end of my trip, but it certainly does mark the end of my willingness to trip. For the next few hours I tried to go to sleep, which proved to be rather unsuccessful for another few hours.

Confusing but Astonishing.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73948
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2022Views: 735
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