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Layers of Reality
Salvia divinorum (80x extract)
Citation:   Zubzubman. "Layers of Reality: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (80x extract) (exp73956)". Erowid.org. Feb 2, 2021. erowid.org/exp/73956

125 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I was 17 at the time and I considered myself an inexperienced tripper. I had done mushrooms twice before this experience and both times were entertaining but overall uncomfortable. I had heard about salvia and its incredibly bizarre effects so I decided I wanted to try some. My friend, A, and his brother had done salvia before and both had broken through and their trips sounded so odd that I really couldn't resist waiting longer. I invited them over to smoke some with me or at least trip sit for me.

They arrived at my house and we hung out for about 30 minutes and just screwed around and hung out. Then my friend A got the salvia out and insisted that I take it first as it would make him more comfortable. I agreed and we went ahead and packed a bowl. We used my huge propane torch to light it since my jet lighter was out of fuel. A torched the salvia in the bowl and I inhaled as deeply and heavily as I could. It tasted awful.

I held it in for what seemed like about 18 minutes. As soon as I exhaled I got a strange pulling sensation. It felt as if I was being pulled backwards and to the left except out of the dimension that I reside in. Soon after, blackness. I awoke to a strange rendering of what looked like sim city. At this point I couldn't remember anything except for the fact that I exist. I assumed that this was the beginning of my life. This sim city world had cars and everything but they were all moving backwards. Then suddenly everything changed. I was suddenly in a different reality. This reality consisted of multiple layers of reality stacked on top of each other. I started to laugh a bit at the odd thought of this but as soon as I laughed I realized that I could make noise.

Once I realized I could make noise, I realized that I could hear stuff. Suddenly the music that was playing overtook me. The sections of reality were singing and dancing and applauding me because I had finally discovered what true reality is. This layered reality was the true reality and everyone was so happy that I finally figured it out. It was like everything was just waiting for me to smoke salvia; smoking salvia was the only point of my entire life.

Shortly after, I realized my friends were there. I was laughing at them and at the same time I couldn't believe that they had kept this secret from me. They just laughed with me and congratulated me on my discovery. I soon forgave them for keeping this secret from me and they said that they knew I would.

Now here's where everything gets weird. These layers of reality moved themselves around to make a staircase in which I started to climb up. As I climbed I noticed that I wasn't climbing at all but the layers were peeling off of each other faster and faster. Eventually they were going so fast that I could see between them and in between them was the reality that we live in today. I flew through it and came out quite hazed. Then suddenly I realized that I had smoked salvia and this was all a delusion. I looked up at my friends and asked how long I had been out and they said I had been tripping for about 2 minutes. This blew my mind; I felt like I was tripping for at least a few hours.

Over the next 30 minutes I smoked some weed to chill out a bit and my friends started doing random stuff again. A cracked some glowsticks and started spinning them on strings. While recovering I kept having flashes of being back in the layered reality. These flashes would happen every 5 seconds or so and it actually felt as if I left my body and went back to the trip again but only for a split second; along with this every time I came back I thought A was going to attack me. As they slowly wore off I chilled out more and then eventually got up and started cleaning my house a bit for the party I was having later.

Salvia truly blew my mind. In the layered reality it felt as if that reality was much more real than what we live in today. That's one of the things that makes salvia so unique. As intense as my experience was, I have to say that I really did enjoy it. Salvia is one of those drugs that I could handle quite often.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 73956
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 2, 2021Views: 564
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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