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I Was Sitting Beside Myself
by N
Citation:   N. "I Was Sitting Beside Myself: An Experience with DMT (exp74019)". Feb 25, 2018.

1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
  1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)

It has been 8 years since I have taken a journey with anything but mushrooms. I am quite experienced with LSD and after finding a reputable website began to do some research into the mythical DMT that I had heard about so long ago.

I extracted this from 600 grams of Mimosa Hostilis root bark following the teks I found to be the most thorough. I ran through the cleaning processes until I was left with an large pile of almost glass-like crystals. I decided to give it a try with a buddy in the mountains of West Virginia camping in a very isolated place. Unfortunately, we had no means of smoking it but tin foil and a rolled up piece of paper. I had weighed out the doses before we left in 30mg increments.

The first hit went down with relative ease, and once I got past the taste I found there was little burn. I sat down not knowing what to expect and in about 15 seconds began to feel rather funny. Sadly, I must not have inhaled enough to gain any real effects. We waited about an hour, had a few beers, and tried again. I got a bit more this time, and the world spun around a bit leaving me glued to the stump I was on. Still nothing worthy of note. At this point I was beginning to get discouraged and wondered if I hadn't messed something up. I didn't want to give any to my buddy until I was sure that I wasn't going to poison us. He was rather concerned both times I tried and was getting a bit scared to do so himself. Again, we waited a few, had a few more beers and sat down with a couple other campers we had met that night. Luckily, they were cool and seemed very interested in our little experiment. I was able to borrow a pipe from them and loaded up a third time. The hit that I got was incredible and filled up my sinuses and taste buds with the chemical smell. Within a matter of moments I had dropped the bowl and lurched forward. The last thing I remember of reality was my fellow campers asking if I was OK.

Immediately my entire field of vision was filled with bright shards of fall colors and light. I found myself flowing though a tunnel of unbelievably intricate shapes and patterns with enough speed to make me feel almost motion sick (which subsided as I came out the other side). Though I was aware my body and my eyes were open I felt as if though I was sitting beside myself and looking into my own head. Suddenly a South American pyramid came into view. As I 'walked' closer a hieroglyphic woman appeared in 2D. She opened her mouth and instead of words paisley like vines began to flow forth and wrap around me and frame the visions I was having. She held something in her hand that I felt she wanted me to take from her. As the sun rose behind the pyramid reality began to set back in. I was aware of the fire, my friends, and sound, which only consisted of silence broken by the occasional loud crack (possibly the campfire) while I was journeying. I could see the forest again. I did not time the experience but would say it lasted maybe six or seven minutes I sat back and notice my friend was in the midst of his own journey and was also coming back. We both spent the next half hour describing our experiences to one another so that we wouldn't forget. The after effects were euphoric, much like peaking on mushrooms. Within an hour I was tired and ready to hit the tent. It was definitely more than I had bargained for and I can see why some never want to do it again. I however was pleased and I found that trying to define the things that my mind produced was actually as fun as the trip.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74019
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 871
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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