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Lasted About 2-3 Hours
Passion Flower, Arundo donax & Cannabis
Citation:   MEDICINE MAN ED. "Lasted About 2-3 Hours: An Experience with Passion Flower, Arundo donax & Cannabis (exp74043)". Erowid.org. Feb 10, 2019. erowid.org/exp/74043

  smoked Passion Flower (dried)
    smoked Arundo donax (dried)
    smoked Cannabis  
New World Ayuasca

I had been delving deep into information on new world indigenous DMT. After reading a book on the use of the Colorado river cane as a blowgun when it hit me. That many medicinal mixtures from southeastern natives had been lost during colonization and that the river cane also contained large amounts of DMT and bufotine and that Passiflora incarnata grows prolificly from Florida to Mexico. So my hypothesis is that perhaps some lost medicine mixture incorporated these together and was lost in the colonization of the New world. Being that smoking was a common delivery method I prepared my hookah with 2-3 grams of passion flower and river cane tops and marajuana.

I walked to a small wooded grove sat down and began to smoke. The flavor of the passion flower and river cane flowers was sweet and mixed well with the ganja. It tasted a lot like breakfast cereal.

About 10 minutes in I noticed pleasant but subtle color changes and and a nice body buzz
About 10 minutes in I noticed pleasant but subtle color changes and and a nice body buzz
with a strange but pleasant sinking or gravity effect. It lasted about 2-3 hours with no unpleasant side effects and a smooth come down. As suspected when I smoked each one separately I got nowhere near the buzz the two together gave me. Makes one wonder?

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74043
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2019Views: 1,832
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Passion Flower (121), Arundo donax (478) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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