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My Head Being Squeezed by Some Force
by TPS
Citation:   TPS. "My Head Being Squeezed by Some Force: An Experience with Ketamine (exp74169)". Feb 27, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  10 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  30 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
A ketaminfTester...

This is my first time with K.

That particular evening I was smoking some hash with a friend at his house. I got home at about 11pm and stuck on a music channel playing some old rave classics..

Anyway I got to start thinking of the K I had and how this music with the weird videos would be cool to trip too... So a visit to the stash pot was in order, and I soon had the bag of K (around 400mg), a credit card and a £10 note...

I decided to do a very, very small amount first (about10mg). Up it went and I sat back. About 5 minutes later I get one of the most amazing rushes I have ever had. I felt every nerve end tingle from toes to head and that was that.

Sooo I decide to do a little more and see what happens. Must of taken 30mg this time and I put my head down on the sofa to wait events..

I remember being pissed off that a advert break had started and thought the telly was a lot louder than it had been before. The sound seemed to enter my head at right angles to my ears and was being sucked in..weird! Anyway the Prodigy starts playing on the TV and I close my eyes. My hands were resting on my body and they felt so light. I was breathing very slowly and my lips felt all numb. At this point my mind was racing with thoughts that I wanted to go deeper. I let my mind empty and tried to let go as I have read to do. Suddenly I felt totally weightless and I seemed to be laying super flat. I could no longer really feel my body and breathing seemed to be a big chore. My mind at this time was giving me closed eyed visuals of shapes and colours...I’m sure I felt my soul try and leave but never managed to let go time I will!

I started to hear the music again and could feel my head being squeezed by some force, which didn't last long. Then I opened my eyes and for a further 10mins had some traces and mild visuals from the TV.

Finally looked at the clock and it had only been 25mins! Got myself up and went to bed! Feel fine this morning and unusually happy and still a little dazed.

On reflection I really enjoyed the trip! It’s a really good thing in my mind that it doesn't last too long. I really want an outer-body experience and that will be my next project. Also I see the benefit of just letting go and to enjoy the ride. Play safe…

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 953
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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