Opening Up
Citation:   Mattchex. "Opening Up: An Experience with Cocaine (exp74246)". Nov 4, 2020.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
On January 1st, I met a girl at 3 in the morning. We talk for hours, and discovered that each of us used Cocaine. After that our friendship quickly fell into place and we became almost inseperable. She had a lot of mental stability issues, and one night tried to kill herself. I had known her for little more than a month, and it was literally up to me to save her life. After that we had a bond that was stronger than anything else I had ever known.

Roughly a week or so later we, and two other people, each all bought our own gram of coke. We began to do it in my bedroom and just had ridiculous coke adventure night. We were joking around, using two straws and doing monster lines two at a time, just fun stuff. But then one friend left and it was me and two girls left. On the CD I had playing, a very melodic acoustic version of a videogame came on, and it brought thoughts to my head about the recent suicide attempt.

Because of the drug I was in a very serious mood and was appreciative of still being able to sit in a room with the girl, and without thinking, I began voicing my love for this girl. I explained to her how she was one of the most important people of my life, and I was glad we were given a second chance at a friendship and life together. I said anything and everything that came to mind, and in that respect had the most meaningful conversation of my life.

When I look back at it, I remember the feelings of complete happiness and openess, being able to look at the girl and have her smile back at me. The song was a great background for the seriousness of the conversation we were having. No matter what, I see that night in a positive light for how open I was able to be with myself and others.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74246
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2020Views: 764
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Cocaine (13) : Relationships (44), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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