A High Five With God.
Citation:   the fear. "A High Five With God.: An Experience with LSD (exp74293)". Erowid.org. Jan 29, 2018. erowid.org/exp/74293

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I am fairly new to LSD, and only a few days ago was my first time doing two tabs of the stuff. I can really only describe this experience as a high five with God himself. After buying 4 tabs for 20 bucks a pop, I figured this stuff had to be good. My friend had told me about how different two tab trips were from the single tab trips I was more familiar with. I was weary of this, but still confident because I had enjoyed the LSD experience so much before.

Now, I’d had 5 acid trips prior to this one on single tabs of acid, and each time was really quite amazing for me. But this trip was something different from the moment my girlfriend and I put the tabs on our tongues. We had tripped together twice before, but we both considered this to be a whole new experience afterwards.

S started getting giggly during the onset, sooner than she had the past couple of trips. We had put the tabs on our tongues in my truck and were walking through a local supermarket for some weird reason; I think it was just to look at all the packages of food. We saw an old high school buddy there; he thought we were had smoked cannabis at first because we were laughing so much while he was talking to us.

I remember starting back to the parking lot and towards the truck when things got to that point where everything seems a little displaced.

We sat in the bed I’ve made out of the back of the vehicle, listening to music and joking around. We climbed in the back to lie down, and then the shit really hit us.

We were looking at the sky spewing nonsense out of our mouths at first, like the bantering conversations always held when we smoked cannabis. Then things got crazy.

We were experiencing ego death.

Most people will go their whole lives without forgetting everything about themselves. I am no longer one of those people. Every memory I had disappeared into thin air. I knew nothing about myself
Every memory I had disappeared into thin air. I knew nothing about myself
, and nothing about this familiar looking person in the truck with me. S and I were very scared at several points during the peak, and I remember a few particular parts that probably confused the people that were around us.

While our minds were amongst the gods, our bodies were still doing their usual thing, so eventually we both had to go pee. It seems like an easy thing to do: walk into the gas station, relieve ourselves, and then leave. At no point should we say a word or stop to look around.

This proved to be the most difficult part of the trip, because apparently it is not very easy to put on and tie a pair of shoes when you are on two tabs of high quality blotter acid. We were jabbering away and jumping around like lunatics in the parking lot while trying to get the shoes on. S’s emotions were changing at a very rapid pace, from sweet to scared to angry to yelling to cute to sad, and this made it quite difficult. We got the shoes on eventually.

We entered the gas station. We walked to the bathrooms in back, and things got scary. S started screaming, “You paid for this! You son of a bitch! You bought a trainwreck and you’re going to get a fucking trainwreck!” I just wanted to use the bathroom so I went inside the men’s room and shut the door. She stood outside yelling at me through it.

I had finally got S into the ladies room after a minute or so of convincing. Even when she was inside, she kept yelling things at me through the door. The store employees probably thought we were drunk from how we were acting and shouting, so the next part was no surprise. I was getting lost in a particular geometric pattern on a coke bottle when the cashier came around the corner to tell us that we had to leave or they were going to call the police. We promptly left. As I walked out the door, I said, “Sorry for inconveniencing you, have a good night.” S just screamed at the top of her lungs.

The rest of the peak is hard to remember. We slowly picked up the pieces of our shattered egos, and started to remember ourselves again. It was as though we weren’t even together during the peak. I do recall a closed eye visual of a sort of alchemical chart arranged in such a way that explained how life on earth worked. It was some very advanced stuff, tying the setting and rising of our sun in to the beating of the mammalian heart and the slow-furnace nature of the body. I just wish I remembered what the answer to what life was a little more clearly.

Eventually, the acid started to ease its grip on our minds. But it was just turned down from 220 amps to 110. We started getting more visuals after about 6 hours of nonstop tweaking out. S and I walked over to the local donut shop to use the restroom again and get something to eat. I bought a small black coffee and a coffee roll. This was a bad idea.

There was a group of kids over in the corner, the kids who have seen A Clockwork Orange a few times and try to act crazy, and one of them was saying some very strange things that almost made me violently ill. He was talking to the other kids, and he said something about opening up the heads of sleeping animals and messing with their brains to see if they would act differently when they woke up. Then he laughed and said he was just kidding.

Nobody on 700 micrograms of LSD should ever have to think of something like that. Ever. I know this because I did, and luckily S came out of the bathroom at this point so we left. I remember staring at that little creep for quite a while on the way out, and this drew uncomfortable glances from himself and his colleagues.

We walked back to the truck. Condensation had gathered on the windows and the streetlights shining through made for some interesting visuals. We reminded ourselves of all the things that make us up; nicknames, interests, thoughts, experiences. A strange thing to have to do, but not necessarily bad. It can’t hurt to know yourself a little better. We also started to recall some of the earlier moments, and I came to the conclusion that this was an 8th circuit experience. We transcended the need for a physical body, and because consciousness as a collective. In essence, we forgot so much that we remembered everything.

Neither S nor I will never forget that trip. We finally fell asleep at some crazy hour in my truck. I dropped S off the next morning and we both slept all day. We both regard it as a life changing experience and as I said earlier, most people will never do something like that.

It was not a negative thing at all. Powerful, yes. At times, almost terrifying because of the sheer energy and insanity flowing through us. But negative? No. A more accurate description would be “unforgettable.”

A high five with God is not something that is easily forgotten.

-the fear

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74293
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 29, 2018Views: 1,270
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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