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Then I Tore the Curtain Down
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   That Guy. "Then I Tore the Curtain Down: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp74334)". Nov 22, 2020.

0.5 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
This report on my experience with salvia relates to two different times that I've had with it. This is because they were within two days of each other and very much related.

I bought a gram of 10X concentrated salvia from a hookah shop where I live. The guy who worked there advised me to use a water pipe and torch lighter. I blew him off, and as a result, my first salvia experience was nothing more than a mild buzz and dissociative thoughts. I came back to the hookah shop. I wanted the full experience.

I came back with about .75 grams left in my little flask. Since torch lighters were too expensive, I decided to rent a hookah and smoke it in the shop's lounge. The room was comfortable. It had contemporary tables, furniture, a television, some board games, a dim lamp or two. I sat and awaited the hookah to be brought to me. It was a moderately large hookah with one hose and foil for the screen. The bottom was green. The man lit the half-gram of salvia on the foil and I took a huge draw from the hose. I could feel it working, but I kept sucking on the hose and holding in the smoke. I started to feel really lightheaded and I set the hose down. I looked at the green bottom of the hookah and fell from reality.

What occurred next is something that I can't bring to memory, but I remember a metallic feel to my mouth, possibly from the taste of the salvia. I couldn't remember a thing. I couldn't see the room anymore. Visuals completely stormed my eyes. I saw nothing but what the salvia took me to see, and I can't remember a single thing. The only thing that I can recall with some degree of validity is coming around multi-colored obstacles and getting dropped back into crevices, only to start my trek on the obstacles over again. This went on and on, until I rounded the corner of an obstacle and saw the green glass of the hookah. I remember coming to my senses and thinking I was at the beach, wondering where my wife was (I don't live at the beach and I don't even have a wife!). The guy who worked there was still standing there, watching me. When I could finally muster out a coherent word or two, my first words were '...What the fuck?!'.

I stumbled around the lounge, thinking, talking to the man. I asked him if I said anything and if I was any trouble; He said 'No, you didn't say much and you just needed help back up in your chair.' I was relieved not to have done anything embarrassing. He said to me 'Yeah, you must have seen some wicked shit!'. I just sat, thinking, trying with all my might to remember, but it was no use. I smoked what little was left, and after regaining my grip on reality back, I headed home. I still had some more in my jar.

The next night, I made sure I had a torch lighter. I decided my car and corncob pipe were all I needed for comfort. I went out to my car to listen to 'Reflection' by Tool and smoke more salvia, the dose being smaller this time, about .25 grams, or what I had left. It took me a few hits to get any feeling whatsoever. And when I did, I didn't trip, but I had the strangest sensation...Like someone tugging at my eyelids! It was Lady Salvia! She was pulling on my eyelids, but never ripped them off so I could see what was beyond my own perceptions! It was like a warning, a word of caution not to go any further if I wasn't ready. At that instant, I felt the familiar 'metal-mouth', and all of the aspects of my first trip that I had forgotten came rushing back to me in an amazing flow of thoughts. I remembered everything in those few minutes. I felt I had to tell my salvia-experienced friends, but I decided it could wait. What I remembered about my first trip was that I saw the hookah lounge, then I tore the curtain down, leading to some other reality. Then I tore that curtain down, and another, until I came to a place I saw as familiar and comfortable, but I realized that this too must be a trick. Down came the curtain. I saw many people who were astonished that they could have kept me from the truth for so long! The curtains kept coming down, and coming down, and then I couldn't remember anymore about it. I was coming down off of the height of the effects from the bowl I smoked in my car. I regained my senses (not nearly as hard to regain the second time) and made sure that my car was not a 'curtain', then ran to get my phone. I called my experienced friend, but he didn't answer. So I went back and smoked what was left in my pipe and went to bed. I had some weird, dissociated thoughts, and then a huge, heavy headache in the back of my brain.

To sum up my two related experiences, I would have just one word: Mind-boggling. Symbolic too, but mind-boggling most. I realized that reality is subjective to the individual, and the curtain made sure that I knew that. Lady Salvia tugging at my eyelids, or the heavy pressure, was the same feeling my first time, except when it occurred my second time I didn't trip. Instead, I just thought and thought and thought about all of those lost memories. It's an amazing thing, salvia, and I hope my third experience will help me open up my third eye and see what I am.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2020Views: 834
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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