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The LSD Hangover Lasts Years
Citation:   Sane again at last. "The LSD Hangover Lasts Years: An Experience with LSD (exp7440)". Mar 9, 2003.

200 ug oral LSD
I took acid 15 times in 2 years in the early 1990s and found it an amazing experience, and like all new experiences, modified my view of the world. For me, the new experiences stopped after 3 trips and the remainder were a waste of time.

Unfortunately I had a number of side effects that I attribute to LSD. these were:

Depersonlisation (duration 1-2 week after trip) - sometimes after taking strong (200ug+) acid I would loose all sense of my self - as if I was a robot/non human.

Recurring Pulsing light (in between trips) - Regularly during sleep or drowsing I would feel all woozy and then experience a painful rapid white pulsing light in my head, blocking out all thoughts, followed by murky near vision hallucinations of geometric shapes that were exactly the same as the visuals I experienced on acid. Curiously after this I would feel at complete peace -serene-as if my head had been 'flushed' of all problems. This stopped immediately after stopping acid.

Associations/Rationalising - Perhaps the most serious side effect, lasting a number of years(3-5) after final use, was that I was my ability to rationalise in everyday life was seriously hampered. I was making wrong connections/associations - for example I believed my 'fate' was geared around the number '67' which related to (amongst other things) the number of letters in a poet's name whose poems 'spoke' to me, addresses of houses, names of girlfriends (the list goes on...)

To conclude, what an experience! but I wouldn't take it more than a few times if I had my time again.

Exp Year: 1991ExpID: 7440
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 9, 2003Views: 19,971
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LSD (2) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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