The Shakes
by Zoot
Citation:   Zoot. "The Shakes: An Experience with Cannabis (exp74450)". Jul 9, 2019.

4 - 6 hits smoked Cannabis
I've been a habitual pot smoker for about 3 1/2 years now. I went through periods when I would smoke everyday, even 2-3 times a day. However, over the past few months I've been smoking every other day, or every couple of days. So perhaps it's my tolerance that has gone down and contributing to the symptoms I've been experiencing most recently?

A few months ago a good friend of mine showed me this super sweet bong he had just purchased. Of course later that night we had to christen it, so I went over to his house and smoked out of it. By the time we were finished it was late and I was thinking of heading home soon so we went upstairs. I immediately felt warning signs of some in balance within my body. I felt light-headed, dizzy, and felt my heart racing.
I felt light-headed, dizzy, and felt my heart racing.
Now maybe this had something to do with the quality of the weed, or the fact that bongs produce 'heightened' effects. But I had smoked more than this before, I had used a bong countless times. I was used to being super baked. This was not me being super baked. This was my body trying to tell me something was potentially wrong.

I sat down, threw back as much water as a I could, and then just layed on his couch for about a half hour. I remember feeling slightly shaky but really just uncomfortable, dizzy, like I could have passed out if I had continued standing.

I went home, went to sleep, and basically ignored the experience. I went on smoking every other, to every couple of days.
But then the exact same thing happened the next time we were over the same friends house, using his new bong.

So, this all happened this past summer. And now fall rolls around and I go and visit my good friend up at school. Him and his friends have fashioned a gas mask over a bong. And I've GOT to try it out, like seriously could I pass this shit up? So yea, I took my hit and instantly felt a wave of insecurity pass over me. I signalled to my friend that I wasn't feeling too hot and if he could please get me a glass of water. He had seen this happen before and got up to get me a drink. He sat with me for what I think was around 45 minutes to and hour, with me laying with my head in his lap uncontrollably shaking. I don't think it was just nerves because I was scared of the dizzying feeling. I mentally prepared to calm myself down the minute I felt this coming on. It was as if all of my muscles were involuntarily twitching, like I was cold and shivering, but somehow different. I did feel sort of cold, but it came on so quickly, it was really weird. My heart was also practically racing out of my chest. I knew if I even sat up I would faint. I felt so pathetic and incapacitated but there was really nothing I could do. I know weed increases your heart rate, especially with those at risk for heart problems, but why is this happening now instead of sometime during the past 3 years?
why is this happening now instead of sometime during the past 3 years?
And I know it might have something to do with the fact that I don't smoke a whole lot of weed at one sitting, or consistently. But it's not like I've put myself in different situations from the past. I've smoked in the same increments before and never had this experience.

A few months pass and of course I don't stop smoking weed because I love it and it's a fun part of my life. But then I'm at work and there's two of us smoking a pretty fat blunt. And what do you know, I feel the same dizzy, odd, and by this point anxious feeling. I'm also scared because I don't know what the fuck is going on with me, why this is suddenly happening now, when I've been smoking for 3 years and have definitely smoked a lot more weed in a single sitting, as well as consistently.

This is ridiculous because marijuana is ruined for me. I smoked out of small bowl the other night, only took about 5 hits, and felt a little shaky. It's not worth the risk of heart problems, but really do I have any idea of what's causing this weird effect?

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74450
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 360
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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