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My Truth About Seeds...
Morning Glory
Citation:   NYHydro50. "My Truth About Seeds...: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp74462)". Oct 6, 2009.

    Morning Glory
First off - I want to answer the question, 'Do They Work' ? The answer is an unequivocal, yes - they work, and they work very well indeed.

I am the self-proclaimed King of Kitchen Chemists, which means that I have tried just about every imaginable concoction there is out there. This also pretty much makes me a total moron, for doing so as well. And, it also makes my report reliable, and gives me the credibility required for people to trust what Im reporting.

With most legal-trips, there's always a really bad side to them. For example, DXM (Robitussin). Yeah, it works - but the trip is disgusting, and extremely heavy - it's not a fun trip in any sense whatsoever. Then there's the Salvia trip. Yep, this stuff works alright. But the trip is just so effing intense, and far too strange - its also no fun whatsoever. I know many trippers out there figure, 'yeah, but I like that - the more intense, the better !'. Not so with Salvia, it's just too much - I will be scared shitless for 10 minutes, and probably never want to do it again. The hardest trippers I know, all felt this way about Salvia - as did I. In any case, I find that with every legal trip, there are really bad down-sides which make the entire excursion a bad experience.

However, with MG Seeds - there's really no down-side. I will have a trip, which feels almost identical to an acid trip. The only down-side is the nausea, which is a very real, and widely reported side-effect. I can tell you how I minimize the nausea, having tried MG seeds quite a few times.

Don't pay any attention to all these chemical extractions, and anything else which requires that you start effing around with Ether, or other solvents. It's just not necessary. The process of getting a trip from MG seeds is really simple. First, try to get un-treated seeds from a whole-sale distributor. They are very easy to find, theres no reason to buy seeds treated with mercury. But if you cant find them, or you have made the decision to have a MG-Seed trip impulsively, you can wash the seeds with soapy water, and remove the mercury. This wont remove the naturally-occurring nausea producing chemicals which exist in the seeds, but whatever.

I make sure to buy Heavenly Blue, or Pearly Gates seeds. They contain the most alkaloids, and I have actually had very unsatisfying trips with other kinds of seeds. Never once have I been let down using either of these two varieties.

Next, I use a coffee grinder. Smashing them up with a hammer doesnt cut it - they have to be ground into a powder, one way or another.

I have found that 5-6 grams of seeds (about 5 packs of 1.2 gram seeds), is the equivalent of a 1/2 tab of good acid. So, I put seeds into the grinder, and get a light brown powder. I mix the powder with plain water, using about 1/4 to 1/2 of a liter. I make sure to mix them in a bottle which I can cap off and shake - a one liter soda bottle works just fine. Shake real hard, then let sit. The water turns brown, and the seed muck settles at the bottom, and - a little foam rises to the top.

There is no need to wait overnight, or anything like that. I just repeat this 'shake and let sit' procedure a few times, maybe 3-4 times. Then, after the final shake, I let it sit for an hour. Now, I separate the brown water from the muck. I mean, I can actually just use a straw to sip off the top if I want to, but I wouldnt reccommend this, as I will inevidably end up swallowing some seed muck - which is where the nausea comes from. Either filter it out, or just pour from the top - there's no one correct way to do this. I just figure out a way to seperate the brown water from the seed muck.

Now, the water is brown - but I find a pleasant has very little, to no taste at all. It does not taste bad - there's a very, very slight taste to it, but almost negligible. I just drink the brown water, and I'm done.

This method reduces the nausea to almost nothing, and has never once let me down. I will have a trip which is nearly identical to an acid trip. I have never done more than 8 bags of seeds, which is about 10 grams. If I do enough, I can certainly have a very, very intense trip. I like to do 5-6 grams, because like I said - its the equivalent of a half tab of good acid.

And thats it folks - theres no big deal to it. MG Seeds work, and they work very well.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74462
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2009Views: 7,180
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Morning Glory (38) : Not Applicable (38), Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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