Reno 911 Trip!
Ketamine & Hydrocodone
Citation:   MikeL. "Reno 911 Trip!: An Experience with Ketamine & Hydrocodone (exp74531)". Feb 18, 2018.

  oral Hydrocodone (liquid)
  3 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  4 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
So there we were sitting on the bed watching a reno 911 season on dvd at the moment we just got there I was on the hydrocodone at the time. I was asked if I wanted to try some ketamine if I gave him a swig of the hydrocodone syrup I was like yeah sure. He's like its cat tranqulizer, cool okay so I'm not going to die. I was sitting on the bed when I took the first line quick. I remember quickly feeling the rush of a feeling that I cant describe before I hit the peak I had 2 more small lines down. I was sitting upright on the bed facing the tv all I could do at the time was blink and breath. Shortly as I hit the peak of all the lines I found myself inside of the scene on reno that was on. Ironically it was a scene where an officer was teaching a drug search dog how to find marijuana by feeding it food with it in it. I was standing there watching the dog eat the food and the officer looked at me and said 'Its hard for us to get him not to eat the drugs' I giggled then woke up (still VERY fucked) laying face first on the bed. I then smoked a few bowls and ended up at my house in bed.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 74531
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2018Views: 1,265
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Ketamine (31), Hydrocodone (111) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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