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Free of the Prison of the Body
Nitrous Oxide
by mik
Citation:   mik. "Free of the Prison of the Body: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp74695)". Erowid.org. Feb 10, 2020. erowid.org/exp/74695

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide
This is my favourite drug, however it only lasts for a couple of minutes at best. It lingers for about 5 minutes afterwards and is WAY better with weed.

When I first used nos I only knew it as laughing gas so we would take a canister and inhale and force a chuckle. Once I start laughing I literally cannot stop. It's kind of odd because there isn't anything funny about it really, in that normally when I laugh I will automatically think of the experience as funny, however on nos the act of laughing is no more significant than walking, say. It is just happening and I am an observer.

Later on after I became used to it I would occasionally buy 25 canisters or so which would last a week or 2.
I would occasionally buy 25 canisters or so which would last a week or 2.
It seems to build a 'reverse tolerance', i.e. the more times I have it, the stronger it gets, or maybe it becomes easier to manipulate when I know what to expect. Also, I stopped laughing with it as this allows me to get the full hit of the fruit, to quote the Tango ads.

Once inhaled it takes about 10 seconds for it to hit properly, then another 20 seconds or so before I exhale. During the first few seconds I feel a tingling sensation very similar to the numbness of pins & needles all over my body, not just the skin but muscles, internal organs and eventually my brain. I personally can feel and hear my heart beat slowing down to what seems like an impossibly low rate, however time is distorted so I'm not sure if it actually slows down that much at all. Time seems to slow down a LOT - I have heard cars going by outside and been able to hear the individual pistons firing. It's very odd indeed and seems to last much, much longer than the mere 1 or 2 minutes I'm surprised to see has passed when I wake up. My breathing becomes much deeper than is possible while conscious, and slows to about 1 breath every 15 or 20 seconds.

After exhaling the nos and inhaling a deep breath of air there is a massive rush as the oxygen enters the brain, almost as strong as the rush from the nos. This is where it begins. The nos takes me onto another level where I have no body (it's an anaesthetic - I literally have NO feeling anywhere in my body) and I consist only of a mind, I simply exist. In this state it is possible to explore my brain in a similar way to browsing a library. What I tend to do is select something I would like to know beforehand, such as forgotten childhood memories or other people's personalities. I find an incredible amount of information flooding through my mind that I had no idea I knew, scenes and 'films' from years ago, incredible insights into myself, others, sociological processes, human psychology and life itself. I discovered the meaning of life on nos. That sounds like a very bold statement but as I said it is very subjective and the things which I think while under are true, full stop.

I can't really put it into words but basically life is a sort of incredibly complicated fractal with no beginning and no end, and it's not really 'life' at all, more like a kind of natural consequence of the universe existing, and nothing can ever 'win' at life. Also, the state of being alive is a) pointless as it changes nothing and leads to nothing and b) as meaningful and useful as, say, a door. We are not special or unique in any way. It is the only time I have fully understood the nature of infinity.

The actual experience of nos is profound and intense. It is vaguely similar to being asleep although I am in control of my thoughts, in a way. I could be lying naked in the snow at the north pole in a winter blizzard on nos and I would just be in this black space where I am only a mind, not even realising where I am. It takes away my sense of self and totally removes me from the prison of the body which needs constant monitoring from the brain. Freeing the mind like this is indescribable, really; it's like being dead but not caring. Nothing matters at all on nos, all there is is the fact that I exist. Existing is both everything and nothing at the same time. Nothing else apart from my 'essence', or personality, to put it crudely, exists.

Nos is not addictive, intense and a powerful tool for understanding how the mind works. Mental discipline is required to make use of its effects, and willpower is needed to maintain conciousness and the ability to actually think. Saying that, will power and mental discipline can also be used to bring on unconciousness, although this is a very disorientating and powerful experience.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74695
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2020Views: 817
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