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Uncontrollable Laughter; Face Down on the Concrete
LSD, Cannabis, Opium, MDMA, Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Tblazed. "Uncontrollable Laughter; Face Down on the Concrete: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis, Opium, MDMA, Nitrous Oxide (exp74718)". Jul 8, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 7:00 1 capsl oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Opium  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 3 inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
On October 25, 2008 I took my second acid trip, I also took a variety of other drugs throughout the day and night. Today is Thursday, October 30 and I still feel like I have not completely returned to reality. I have been drinking and smoking marijuana since 8th grade but until college the only other drugs I had tried were adderall and a failed attempt at a morning glory trip. I tried acid quickly after getting to college and had a very positive first experience. I waited about a month before dropping acid again and decided to do it during the day before a very large party at my school. The party is gauged towards people rolling (on ecstasy) and I planned to take some later in the night once my trip was winding down. My school is small and the feeling on campus that day was one of building excitement. Most of the school was planning on rolling that night so everyone was pumped and it made for a great atmosphere to be tripping in, lots of positive energy. I decided to trip with a friend, A, and three of her friends: E, M, and S. A and E were planning on trying 2-ce for the first time while E, S, and myself were each going to take one tab of acid.

We all took our acid/2-ce at 3:00pm and sat around on M’s dorm room floor anxious for the drugs to start kicking in. Outside there were people setting up for the big party. Our friend L came by right after we dropped and starting drinking so she would be fucked up while we were tripping. After half an hour I started to feel a tingle up my spine and got excited because I knew I would be tripping soon. We went out on to M’s dorm balcony (her room is on the 2nd floor) where there were lots of plants and we could watch people walk by and set up for the party.

An hour after dropping I was definitely starting to trip and I marveled at how beautiful the sky way. It was a perfect shade of blue and the clouds looked like the most gorgeous pastel landscape paintings. I knew I was really tripping when I started to see waves of colors, mostly oranges and purples, move across the sky. I had lost all sense of distance and looking down from the 2nd story I thought I could touch the ground. At this point A and I started looking at all the little plants in pots on the balcony. We got really into it and decided that we wanted to live on this one little cactus with tiny white balls instead of spikes. We also decided that if we went to live there we would want to take one of the other plants with us and we picked a really pretty green leafed plant with purple edges. After talking about plants A took out her iPhone and gave it to me to play around with one of the applications that changes the screen color when you touch it. After a few minutes I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of the colors and my ability to change them just by tapping the screen that I started to laugh and then cry with joy. Everyone came over to play a little and we all laughed until we cried.

M and S decided that they wanted to go swimming and we all decided to go to the campus pool. When we got there we were tripping pretty hard and it was fairly obvious to the three other people at the pool. However they all started laughing hysterically and told us that they were tripping too. Everyone laughed about this for a long time and then spent a while talking about how nothing was more beautiful than the way the sun was hitting the pool. I laid back with my feet in the pool and admired the sky, I remember feeling extremely blissful and wishing I could go and walk on a cloud because I was still seeing them as landscapes in the sky. Nothing could ruin how incredible I felt even when one of my professors walked through the pool area while we were all face down on the concrete laughing uncontrollably.

My campus is set on the water and it makes for the awesome sunsets on the waterfront. At 5:00pm we decided to walk down to the waterfront so we could watch the sunset. We always have to leave ourselves about 2 hours to get to the waterfront when we are tripping because its easy to get distracted by everything on the way there. I go to a very progressive hippie school and on saturdays everyone who is on drugs goes to see the sunset. This is so cool because when you get to the waterfront you get to hang with lots of people on drugs. When we finally got to the waterfront there were about twenty other people on acid hanging out. At this point we smoked some weed so that we would be tripping really hard for the sunset. I wish I could describe what I saw while the sun was setting but it was too overwhelming to put into words. After the sun had disappeared A and I spent a little while talking about numbers. We decided that eleven was a very round number and spent some time saying eleven over and over again.

The sun had set and darkness was settling in so we decided to head back to the dorms. We had all sorts of conversations on the way although I don’t remember any specific one right now. We got back to the dorms around 8pm and people there were starting to drink and get in the party mood. We went back to M’s room and smoked some more weed but also smoked a little opium. This made me feel very relaxed and calmed down by acid filled mind. I also started to perceive things as dropping but I really liked this and it did not last longer than 20 minutes. We went out to hang out with people for a while and nothing especially exciting happened until 10pm.

At 10pm, seven hours after dropping, we decided that it was time to take our ecstasy. Most people on campus had taken theirs between 9 and 10 and were out and about starting to party. My friend who had not tripped came up to me when he started to roll and kept saying that he felt REALLY REALLY good. We kept just wandering around and hanging out until we really started to roll. At that point we went into the Techno Room at the party which was a crazy experience. People were raving everywhere and the lights were mesmerizing. Ecstasy just makes you feel really good and everything you do is really good and the only way I could describe the experience is that it was really good. Warm and fuzzy but with a desire to dance and fuck. Everything I touched was the greatest thing every. I was still tripping and seeing colors change and closed eye visuals.

I went off with some other friends who were rolling to this girls room where we did whip-its. I cant describe the pleasure of lying down and being raved over right after doing a whip-it. We continued dancing in the Techno Room and wandering around until about 3am when we all started to feel like we were coming down from our roll a little bit. Then we smoked a lot of weed and when we got high it felt like we were rolling again so we enjoyed that for an hour or so. Finally it was time to come down and go to sleep. My come down lasted from 5am until 6:30am when I went to sleep. It was a very strange period of time. I felt like I was coming down from rolling, tripping, and being high all at the same time and it was disorienting and depressing. I stayed with my friends and they helped by being compassionate and talking about all the wonderful things that had happened in the last fifteen hours. Finally I passed out and slept very soundly.

That was the most drugs I had ever done in a 24 hour period and I experienced almost every emotion. Although the come down was harsh the experience was positive and I learned a lot about myself. I hope to take some more acid this Saturday and sort out some of the things in my head that bothered me last Saturday. I felt clear headed on the MDMDA, and that I made better choices than I would have if I had been drinking. I felt very in control of myself the whole time.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74718
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2017Views: 1,191
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Large Group (10+) (19), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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